September 2013
Role of Rose Bengal-Mannitol system for generation of electrical energy in photogalvanic cell
Photogalvanic effect was studied in photogalvanic cells containing Rose Bengal as dyes and Mannitol as reductants. The photogalvanic cells were determined by the photo potential, photocurrent, conversion efficiency, power of cell and performance of cell. The effects of various parameters like pH, light intensity, diffusion length, reductant concentration and dye concentration on the electrical output of the cell is...
September 2013
A nonlocal integral boundary value problem of nonlinear integro-differential equations of fractional order
This study discussed the existence of solutions for a nonlinear fractional integro-differential equation of order with four-point nonlocal integral boundary conditions. The given problem is transformed to an equivalent fixed point problem in terms of an operator equation. Then, by means of Banach contraction principle and a fixed point theorem due to Krasnoselskii, the existence results are obtained. The last...
September 2013
A note on dynamical systems satisfying the Wünschmann-type condition
Dynamical systems of second order ordinary differential equations (SODEs) satisfying the Wünschmann-type condition are presented, with a special emphasis on SODEs provided by Euler-Lagrange equations, particularly, geodesics on surfaces. Some remarkable facts are to be pointed: three of our examples are of quasi Euler-Lagrange nature; also, except one example that leads to classical Euclidean 2D metric, all yields...
September 2013
Motion groups and circular helices in Lorentz 3-space
In this paper, we find the curves which are orbits of points under the homothetic and helicoidal motion groups in Lorentz 3-space. Also, we show that if these curves are Frenet curves then their curvature and torsion are constant. So we can say that these curves are circular helix in Lorentz 3-space. Key words: Helix, homothetic motion groups, helicoidal motion groups, Frenet curves.
September 2013
Earthquake precursory studies at Amritsar Punjab, India using radon measurement techniques
The continuous soil gas radon and daily monitoring of radon concentration in water is carried out at Amritsar (Punjab, India), a well known seismic zone to study the correlation of radon anomalies in relation to seismic activities in the study area. In this study, radon monitoring in soil was carried out by using barasol probe (BMC2) manufactured by Algade France whereas the radon content in water was recorded using...
September 2013
A new approach on production of slope map using autonomous Unmanned aerial vehicle
Many studies have been done previously to generate a slope map at the area of interest. However, most of these methods can be time consuming and they require huge cost. Currently, aerial mapping using Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is very popular in the mapping field. UAV can promise a high accuracy data with low cost and less time needed to produce a slope map at certain area. Therefore, a scientific approach needs to...
September 2013
A multilevel fast multiple method for computing the propagation of multiply scattered 2.5-D teleseismic surface waves underneath a linear or quasi-linear seismic station array
We introduce an algorithm for the forward modeling of multiple scattering of teleseismic surface waves where the underground structure beneath the linear (or quasi-linear) seismic station array is assumed two-dimensional and the teleseismic surface waves may be approached from an arbitrary direction. The current algorithm is two-and-half-dimensional since even though the structure is two-dimensional, the displacements...
September 2013
Coupled-operations model and a conditional differential evolution algorithm for improving reservoir management
This paper proposes a flexible methodology for finding the optimal control of reservoir operations, which is adopted for simulating a storage system including a large reservoir simulation model and a numerical search method for searching decision variables. The optimization model used was a conditional differential evolution algorithm (CDE). The model was connected to reservoir simulation model for searching the...
September 2013
Comparison of selected physical properties of deep peat within different ages of oil palm plantation
The environment of young and mature oil palm plantation were found to be different due to the size of the oil palms and the depth of water tables applied. The environments in both sites have probably influenced the changes of peat soil physical properties towards the peat land degradation. A study was carried out to compare selected physical properties of deep peat between two different ages of oil palm plantation...