International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: April-June, 2020; 15(2)

April 2020

Preparation of thermal neutron absorber based B4C/TiO2/polyaniline nanocomposite

B4C nanoparticles (NPs) have been integrated at that point veiled by TiO2 NPs lastly composited by utilizing polyaniline (PANI), (B4C/TiO2/PANI). Shields of thermal neutrons by B4C/TiO2/PANI have been considered, B4C/TiO2/PANI nanocomposite was described by FTIR spectroscopy, and nanometer size, morphology, and structures of tests were estimated by SEM and XRD. The electric property was additionally performed by the...

Author(s): Seyed Hossein Hosseini, Mona Tarakameh and Sama S. Hosseini  

May 2020

Influence of natural additives and crushed bricks on the physical and mechanical properties of repair and restoration mortars

This study aims to evaluate the influence of different additives, including natural additives such as olive oil and eggs, on repair and restoration mortars. This work enables us to verify the effects of these natural components and their impact on the physical and mechanical characteristics of various types of repair mortars. Four mortar formulations were developed and analysed: Two jointing mortars, including the...

Author(s): Naima Abderrahim Mahindad  

June 2020

Determination and establishment of empirical relationship between magnetic susceptibility and mechanical properties of typical basement rocks in Southwestern Nigeria

Magnetic susceptibility and mechanical properties of rocks in a typical basement complex Southwestern Nigeria were correlated with the aim of establishing empirical equations relating the two parameters and evaluate the parameters as related to its competency in hosting civil structures. A total of thirty rock samples were taken across the geology of the area and subjected to mechanical properties determinations....

Author(s): Akintorinwa, O. James, Ajayi, C. Ayodele and Oyedele, A. Akinola  

June 2020

Interpretation of aeromagnetic data over some parts of Sokoto Basin, Nigeria, using source parameter imaging and 3D Euler deconvolution methods

This investigation is aimed at determining depth to the bottom of magnetic source and to reveal some certain geological features across Sokoto basin using source parameter imaging and 3D Euler deconvolution techniques. The investigation employed fifteen number aeromagnetic sheets covering longitude 4°30'E - 6°00E and latitude 11°00'N - 13°30'N. The total magnetic intensity of the area was...

Author(s): Suleiman Taufiq, Okeke, F. Nneka and Obiora, N. Daniel