International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: February 2010; 5(2)

February 2010

Assessment of phyto-toxicity potential of lead on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L) planted on contaminated soils

Phytotoxic effects of Pb as Pb(NO3)2 on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) planted on contaminated soil was assessed in terms of growth, yield and Vitamin C content at various concentrations (300, 600 and 1800 ppm). The residual Pb was also determined in the soil used for plant cultivation and in the experimental plant tissues. Results showed that plant performance significantly reduced with increasing concentrations...

Author(s): B. O. Opeolu, O. O. Adenuga, P. A. Ndakidemi and O. O. Olujimi

February 2010

A soft computing approach for modeling of severity of faults in software systems

As the majority of faults are found in a few of its modules so there is a need to investigate the modules that are affected severely as compared to other modules and proper maintenance need to be done in time especially for the critical applications. In this present work, hybrid fuzzy-Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization trained Neural Network techniques are empirically evaluated and earlier published...

Author(s): Ebru Ardil and Parvinder S. Sandhu

February 2010

Close range photogrammetry and robotic total station in volume calculation

Nowadays, volume calculations are been used in many engineering studies such as road project, mining enterprise, geological works and building applications. In many volume calculations, some approaches such as number of lorry computation instead of mathematical calculation are used because of lack of adequate technical knowledge or insufficiency of software and hardware. Particularly, the difficulties of measurement...

Author(s): M. Yakar, H. M. Yilmaz and O. Mutluoglu

February 2010

Investigation of using ansys software in the determination of stress behaviours of masonry walls under out of plane cycling load

In this study, a model masonry wall (MW) was constructed in the laboratory and experimented under out of plane cycling load. Then it was analyzed with ANSYS which is a finite element technology. After analyzing this selected model masonry wall with ANSYS programme, the results of strength, displacement and stress distributions obtained were compared with the values of the experiments. Thus, the usability of ANSYS...

Author(s): Recep Kanıt and M. Sami Döndüren

February 2010

Solid particle erosion of Bagasse fiber reinforced epoxy composite

Experiments were carried out to study the effects of impingement angle and particle velocity on the solid particle erosion behavior of Bagasse Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites (BFRPCs). The erosive wear is evaluated at different impingement angles from 30° to 90° at four different velocities of 48, 70, 82 and 109 m/s. The erodent used is silica sand with the size range 150 – 250 μm of...

Author(s): Punyapriya Mishra and S. K. Acharya

February 2010

Improving out-of-plane strength and ductility of unreinforced masonry walls in low-rise buildings by centrally applied FRP strip

The seismic collapse of a low-rise unreinforced masonry (URM) building is initiated by the out-of-plane failure of walls at roof level. The theoretical basis of this engineering problem is presented. The available strength and ductility of a URM wall is presented, which was tested under reversed loads to simulate seismic effects. It was seen that both ductility and strength need to be improved. Another geometrically...

Author(s): Mürsel Erdal

February 2010

Experimental and numerical analysis of end anchored steel plate and CFRP laminate flexurally strengthened r. c. beams

End anchors have been shown to significantly reduce premature plate end debonding failure of plate bonded strengthened reinforced concrete (r. c.) beams. One of the main interest in designing end anchors is to determine the minimum or optimal length of end anchors for a given thickness and height of the end anchor. This paper presents experimental and numerical studies in determining those optimum lengths for steel...

Author(s): Mohd Zamin Jumaat and Md. Ashraful Alam

February 2010

Modification of gravitational field equation and rational solution to cosmological puzzles

The present article has systematically solved the problem of galaxy formation and some significant cosmological puzzles. First a mistake with Einstein’s equation of gravitational field is corrected, next space-time is proved to be infinite, cosmic expansion and contraction are proved to be in circles, the singular point of big bang is eliminated naturally, celestial bodies and galaxies are proved growing up with...

Author(s): Ming Yang

February 2010

Evaluation of the 137Cs activity-depth profiles by the diffusion-convection model

The diffusion-convection model of 137Cs transport has been used to evaluate the activity-depth profiles of soils in southwestern Nigeria in this study. The experimentally determined depth profiles were fitted into the diffusion-convection equation to obtain the diffusion coefficient D and the convective velocity υ. Results obtained showed that the range of the diffusion coefficient was 0.72 – 1.02...

Author(s): I. R. Ajayi and A. T. Raji

February 2010

Fast and efficient use of geophysical and geotechnical data in urban microzonation studies at small scales: Using Sisli/Istanbul (Turkey) as example

The main purpose of this study is to provide the combined use of geophysical and geotechnical data in context of microzonation. Earthquake occurrences on the North Anatolian Fault, being usually characterized and well documented in history, a time dependent model can be reasonably used for the probabilistic assessment of the seismic hazard in Istanbul. For the study area, the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis was...

Author(s): Burcu Korkmaz and Ferhat Ozcep

February 2010

Natural radioactivity and dose rates in commercially-used marble from Afyonkarahisar - Turkey

The gamma radiation has been measured to determine natural radioactivity of238U, 232Th and 40K in some marble materials produced in Afyonkarahisar region of Turkey. The absorbed dose rate and effective dose rate have been obtained from those activities. The measurement have been performed using a γ-ray spectrometer contains NaI(Tl) detector and Multi – Channel – Analyser (MCA). The activity...

Author(s): I. Akkurt, B. Oruncak and K. Gunoglu

February 2010

Reconsideration of the principle of relativity

The applicable ranges of the principle of relativity were reconsidered. There are magnetic field forces between positive charge and negative charge in an electric doublet which is moving in a laboratory reference frame, whereas, analyzing the electric doublet with the same physical method in a reference frame which is at rest relative to the electric doublet, no magnetic field force exists between the two charges. The...

Author(s): Kaizhe Guo