August 2022
2D electrical resistivity imaging of fracture zones in Isu-Awaa, Enugu State, Southeastern Nigeria
2D electrical resistivity imaging technique has been used to investigate the nature and dimensions of the fracture prone zones in Isu-Awaa, Enugu State, Nigeria. The study area lies within Latitude 06° 14I 0II N to 06° 17I 0II N and Longitudes 007° 23I 0II E to 007° 28I 0II E, with an area extent of about 51 Km2. The area is underlain by three main geological units (Enugu Shale, Owelli Sandstone and Mamu...
September 2022
Excitation of 3G° levels of nickel atom by electron impact
Excitation of 3G° levels of the nickel atom was investigated using the method of extended atomic and electron crossing beams with registration of the optical signal of excited atoms. At an energy of exciting electrons of 50 eV, 14 excitation cross sections were measured. In the electron energy range of 0 to 200 eV, optical excitation functions (OEF) were recorded for transitions from five levels. Based on the...
September 2022
Research for fabrication and antibacterial properties of hybrid nanoparticles Ag-MnFe2O4
The hybrid nanoparticles Ag-MnFe2O4 was successfully fabricated by the seed-growth method and thermal decomposition method. The shape and size of these nanoparticles were evaluated by Transmission electron microscopes (TEM) images showing that these nanoparticles are quite uniform and have a diameter of about 20 nm. The UV-Vis spectrum of hybrid nanoparticles Ag-MnFe2O4 shows that in the wavelength region from 300 to...