International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: July 2010; 5(7)

July 2010

SMEs; Virtual research and development (R&D) teams and new product development: A literature review

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are indeed the engines of global economic growth. Their continued growth is a major subject for the economy and employment of any country. Towards that end, virtual research and development (R&D) could be a viable option to sustain and ease the operations of SMEs. However, literature shows there has not been a great deal of research into the diverse characteristic of virtual...

Author(s): Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha

July 2010

Direct solution of Riccati equation arising in inventory production control in a Stochastic manufacturing system

We studied the production inventory problem in a manufacturing system with degenerate Stochastic demand. We derived the dynamics of inventory-demand ratio that evolves according to Stochastic neoclassical differential equation through Ito’s Lemma. We established the Riccati based solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation associated with this problem.   Key words: Inventory production...

Author(s): Md. Azizul Baten and Anton Abdulbasah Kamil

July 2010

A new derivative-free method for solving nonlinear equations

This paper presents a new method for solving nonlinear equations. The method is free of derivatives and easy to implement. Although its convergence is linear, numerical experiments conducted indicate that its performance compares well not only with Newton-based methods of higher order but with other derivative-free methods as well.   Key words: Derivative-free iterative method, nonlinear equations.

Author(s): P. A. Phiri and O. D. Makinde

July 2010

Spatial transformations of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging using certain geometric operations

The general classes of medical image processing and analysis procedures carried out over scalar images (viz. registration and visualization of X-ray, CT-scan, filtering, image segmentation, ultrasound, diffusion weighted MRI and others) need to be enlarged to diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) tensor fields in order to bring together qualitative and quantitative information, potentially advancing...

Author(s): Sandeep K. Bahuguna and Kailash C. Petwal

July 2010

Locally baseline detection for online Arabic script based languages character recognition

Baseline detection is one of the most important step in character recognition and has direct influence on recognition result. Due to the complexity of the Urdu scripts based languages, handwritten character recognition is a very difficult task as compared to other languages. Baseline detection is one of the main issue and basic step of mostly preprocessing operations that is, normalization, skewness, secondary strokes...

Author(s): Muhammad Imran Razzak, Muhammad Sher and S. A. Hussain

July 2010

Gamma-irradiation induced property modification of polypropylene

The effects of γ-irradiation on the physico-chemical stability and mechanical properties of commercial polypropylene (PP) have been investigated using X-ray diffraction analysis, Raman spectroscopy, ultraviolent visible spectroscopy and tensile test. The γ-irradiation of polypropylene led to remarkable changes in the physico-chemical properties of the material due to chain scission, oxygen effects and...

Author(s): A. Adurafimihan Abiona and A. Gabriel Osinkolu

July 2010

The effect of zeolit rate on the thermo-mechanical properties of concrete

Zeolite (clinoptilolite) is mainly natural volcanic porous tuff and it has strong absorption ability, large specific surface area and lightness. The concrete has been produced using in the rate of 0, 5, 10 and 15% zeolite as an aggregate in the concrete. In the mixing, water to cement ratio was kept at 0.50. The thermo-mechanical properties of the concrete have been measured. It has been found that thermal conductivity...

Author(s): Celalettin BaÅŸyiÄŸit

July 2010

Lattice dynamic study of potassium bromide using theoretical approach

A unified description of a series of  Phonon properties of potassium bromide by means of Van der Waals three-body force shell model [VTBFSM]. This model includes Van der Waals Interactions (VWI) and three-body interactions (TBI) in the framework of both ion polarizable rigid shell model (RSM). In fact the present model [VTBFSM] has revealed much better descriptions of IR/Raman spectra and anhormonic properties and...

Author(s): U. C. Srivastava, R. S. Pandey and K. S. Upadayaya

July 2010

Theoretical investigations for electronic structures and photodissociation of bromine molecule

We have theoretically studied the nonadiabatic transitions among the lower states with W = 1u symmetry {1u (Lindeman and Wiesenfeld, 1979) to 1u (Alexander et al., 2000)} in the photodissociation of Br2 using the complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) computations and the time-independent Schrodinger equations. The CASSCF wave function is formed from a complete distribution of a number...

Author(s): A. Abdel-Hafiez, Rageh Atteya and M. E. Medhat

July 2010

Lattice Boltzmann simulation of the two-dimensional Poiseuille-Rayleigh-Benard flows instability

A numerical method based on the lattice Boltzmann equation (LBE) is developed in two dimensions to solve the equations of conservation of energy and momentum of a Poiseuille-Rayleigh-Benard (PRB) mixed-flow. The configuration considered in this work is a channel heated from below, cooled from the top and crossed by a fluid (Pr = 1). The study is conducted for a range of Rayleigh numbers (0 < Ra < 5000) and...

Author(s): S. Atock A Nwatchok, C. Mbane Biouele and H. Ekobena Fouda

July 2010

Selection of walnut types with high fruit bearing and quality in Sanliurfa population

This study was conducted to determine walnut types with high fruit bearing and fruit quality within seedling population in Siverek and Hilvan districts of Sanliurfa province and their villages in Turkey during years 2005 and 2006. No studies have been made about walnut trees in these areas up to now. Therefore, this research is very important with respect to be first study about the walnut types in these locations....

Author(s): Mikdat Simsek

July 2010

Heavy metals in water springs of the Yarmouk Basin, North Jordan and their potentiality in health risk assessment

The objective of this study is to determine the seasonal water quality variations of the major springs of the Yarmouk Basin of North Jordan. A total of 36 water samples were collected in October 2006 (dry season) and in May 2007 (wet season) and analyzed for temperature, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, pH, Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Mn and Fe. The pH was found near alkaline ranging from 7.01 - 7.87 and 6.8 - 8.04...

Author(s): Awni T. Batayneh

July 2010

Chemical and radiological risk assessment of uranium in borehole and well waters in the Odeda Area, Ogun State, Nigeria

The activity concentrations of uranium in well and borehole water samples in the Odeda area were measured using gamma ray spectroscopic system. The results obtained were used to calculate human radiological risk over lifetime consumption by the population in the area.  The activity concentrations of uranium in all the water supplies for drinking and domestic purposes were found to range from 0.51 ± 0.02 to...

Author(s): C. M. Amakom and N. N. Jibiri

July 2010

Microwave radiation exposures affect the ldl, hdl, tcl and trg status in rats

Effects of Microwave (MW) radiation exposures on LDL, HDL, TCL and TGR have been studied as a means for assessment of health impacts. Exposures caused increase in LDL (354.2%), reduction in HDL (18.6%), increase in TCL (68.4%) and decrease in TGR (31.4%) within the first 24 h. The modifying roles of administered anti-oxidants were evaluated. Vitamins C and E reduced the effects of MW exposures on LDL by 35.4 and 37.7%...

Author(s): M. A Aweda, S. Gbenebitse  and R. O. Meindinyo

July 2010

Relationship between global solar radiation and sunshine duration for Northwest China

The monthly mean daily data of global solar radiation and sunshine hours for a period of 40 years (1961 - 2000) at 15 stations in Northwest China have been used to study their long-term, seasonal, and inter-annual variations. The variation of clearness index (KT), relative sunshine (RS) and the correlations have been analyzed. The results show that there are significant declining trends of both clearness index (~...

Author(s): Ying Wang and Lei Zhang

July 2010

Compressional and shear-wave velocity measurements in unconsolidated top-soil and comparison of the results

Seismic compressional, P- and shear, S-wave measurements were done on the unconsolidated top-soil with depth of 1 m at the different locations of the study area. In case of working with metallic P-wave source, the effect of the air-filled zone and disturbance of the air-wave are received by geophones located near the source (short offset). It is possible to reduce the effect of the disturbance of air-wave and to obtain...

Author(s): Osman Uyanik

July 2010

Spectral analysis of solar variability and their possible role on global warming

In this study, the effect of solar variability on global warming has been studied. This enables us to understand the existence of solar variability effects on temperature. Monthly, four components that may be closely associated with the climate have been studied, which are geomagnetic activity index aa, solar sunspot number Rz from 1868 - 2008, global surface temperature (GST) from 1880 - 2008 and total solar irradiance...

Author(s): N. El-Sayed Aly

July 2010

The stability of mesons near event horizon of black hole

In this paper we assert that mesons remain stable near the black hole. Because there is not any effect of quarks inside the black hole on density matrix of individual quarks within the meson. Next we calculate the total cross section for mesons produced from one black hole. We conclude that the more the mass of the quark within the hadrons, the lower is the cross section. Finally we calculate the resulting information...

Author(s): M. E. Zomorrodian, A. Sepehri and A. Moradi Marjaneh

July 2010

On the accuracy of hiding information metrics: Counterfeit protection for education and important certificates

There are two techniques used to hide information - one is steganography while the other is digital watermarking. The objective of this paper is to investigate the functionality and reliability of using the current metrics, which are used to measure the distortion caused by secret data embedding. These metrics are used to measure the quality of the steganographic or watermarked objects. The signal-to-noise...

Author(s): A. K. Hmood, Z. M. Kasirun, H. A. Jalab, G. M. Alam, A. A. Zaidan and B. B. Zaidan

July 2010

An application of a noise maps for construction and road traffic noise in Korea

Noise has become a serious social concern due to the rapid urbanization brought on by rapid industrial development and economic growth. This study is on the construction noise caused by construction of a building and the road traffic noise resulting from increased traffic volume. A noise map was used to control these sources of noise. Also, this paper examines the influence on nearby areas of the increased road traffic...

Author(s): Jea Hun Jeong, Nazli bin Che Din, Toru Otsuru and Hyung Chul Kim

July 2010

On the approximate analysis of nonlinear behavior of structure under harmonic loading

In this work, attempted has been made to analyze the nonlinear behavior of structures analytically. Despite the increasing expenses of building structures to maintain their linear behavior, nonlinearity has been inevitable and therefore, nonlinear analysis has been of great importance to the scientists in the field. Studying on nonlinear dynamics highlights the fact that essentially all dynamic systems encountered in...

Author(s): M. Bayat, M. Shahidi, A. Barari and G. Domairry

July 2010

Beneficial effect of curcumin isolated from Curcuma longa on exercise-induced hepatocyte apoptosis of rat

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of curcumin isolated fromCurcuma longa on exercise-induced hepatocyte apoptosis. 24 male Wistar rats were used for the study. The experiment was a 14-day exhaustive exercise. We determined the protein expression of bax and bcl-2 in the hepatic tissues. The results demonstrated that bax and bcl-2 co-regulated the exercise-induced hepatocyte apoptosis. Bax promotes...

Author(s): Fu Jiliang, Huang Yongliang, Chen Hongyu, Wang Yugui, Yu Li, Chu Wenya and Ou Xiuling

July 2010

An experimental study on preparing photogrammetric rolove plans of antique theatres

This study was conducted in Knidos antique theater which is located in town of MuÄŸla, Datça, from 2005 to 2007. In this study, Knidos is documented with photogrammetric method and a rolove of the antique theater is prepared. This work will provide sensitivity for possble future restoration activities. The data will be used for protection, restoration and documentation activities of these activities which may...

Author(s): Ali Ulvi and Murat Yakar

July 2010

A research relating to innovation activities on enterprises using advanced manufacturing technologies

This study is aimed at determining and evaluating the usage levels of advanced manufacturing technologies (AMTs) and their applications relating to innovation activities. In addition to this, determination of innovation types and causes are also considered. In the study, the screening method has been used and the study group is consisted of 265 small and medium scale enterprises using advanced manufacturing...

Author(s): Åženol Okay

July 2010

Combined pinch and exergy analysis for energy efficiency optimization in a steam power plant

In this paper, the simulation of a 325 MW steam power plant was performed in a Cycle-Tempo 5.0 simulator and operational parameters of the Rankine cycle were optimized using the Exergy concept combined with a Pinch-based approach. The Combined Pinch and Exergy Analysis (CPEA) first considers the representation of the hot and cold Composite Curves of the Rankine cycle and defines the energy and Exergy requirements. The...

Author(s): Abtin Ataei and ChangKyoo Yoo

July 2010

Generation of representative solar radiation data for Aegean Region of Turkey

Typical solar radiation data is needed in calculation and assessment of many solar energy applications. In this study, typical solar radiation years for seven provinces located in Aegean Region of Turkey were generated from the daily global solar radiation data measured during at least for 15 years, using the Finkelstein-Schafer statistical method. The typical daily global solar radiation data for the locations...

Author(s): Hüsamettin Bulut

July 2010

A study on the opinions of the students attending the Faculty of Technical Education regarding industrial internship

The purpose of this study is to determine the opinions of the students regarding industrial internship throughout their university education. The study has been devised as a survey. Sampling has been done among randomly chosen 254 students studying in the machine drawing and construction program at the Faculty of Technical Education (FTE) of five universities. The data collected via questionnaires have been fed into the...

Author(s): Åženol Okay and Ismail Åžahin

July 2010

Energy and exergy analyses of a parallel flow, four-stage cyclone precalciner type cement plant

It is well known that cement production is one of the most energy consuming industries in the world and comes after steel industry (19.7%). For this reason, energy saving and efficiency efforts target these industries in the first place. The method developed for cement industry, in which the ratio of energy costs with respect to total costs is very high (55%) that provides the optimum working ranges according to energy...

Author(s): Ahmet Kolip and Ahmet Fevzi Savas

July 2010

The structure behavior of reinforced concrete wing-wall under earthquake

Lately, the applications to structural and mechanical systems are extensively reported using new approaches such as fuzzy, neural network, genetic algorism, etc. Under the earthquake hazard, many retrofitting ways of construction were contributed to the study. This study was done to investigate the characteristics of wing-wall to be used on retrofitting some damaged buildings during the earthquake. It included two main...

Author(s): Kuo-Chiang Liu , Yuh-Wehn Liu , Wen-Chun Huang  and Chen-Yuan Chen

July 2010

SCADA applications in thermal power plants

This paper presents the applications of a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system in thermal power plants (TPPs). In fact, a supervisory system must take into account the physiological and cognitive features of the supervisory operator. The paper briefly discusses on the one hand the different steps of the application of a SCADA system and the difficulties to manage and on the other hand it presents...

Author(s): M. N. Lakhoua

July 2010

Generalized functional projective synchronization of Chen-Lee chaotic systems and its circuit implementation

This paper investigates the problem of generalized functional projective synchronization of Chen-Lee systems. Based on Lyapunov stability theory, an effective control law is designed for asymptotic stability of the null solution of an error dynamics between master and slave chaotic systems. In order to verify the effectiveness of proposed control scheme, computer simulation via Matlab software is applied to a numerical...

Author(s): Tae H. Lee and Ju H. Park

July 2010

Uncertainty analysis of 3D motion data available from motion analysis system

A complete understanding of motion is important for assisting clinicians and engineers in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of people with physical disorders. For 3D motion measurement systems, when applied to measuring human motion, motion data is sometimes reported with a standard error of measurement reflecting the uncertainty of the measurement caused by this skin movement artefact during motion as well as...

Author(s): Sikyung Kim, Mohammad Mynuddin Gani Mazumder and Se Jin Park

July 2010

A new algorithm for the design of uniform and nonuniform arrays of coupled optical waveguides

An algorithm is proposed for the design of both uniform and nonuniform arrays of coupled waveguides. The algorithm identifies the array parameters which support different number of modes. It uses a general cutoff dispersion function which eliminates the need to solve complex dispersion equations. Numerical examples are included to verify the utility of the proposed algorithm.   Key words: Coupled...

Author(s): T. A. Ramadan

July 2010

Melting and radiation effects on mixed convection from a vertical surface embedded in a non-Newtonian fluid saturated non-Darcy porous medium for aiding and opposing eternal flows

Continuum equations governing mixed convection from a vertical surface embedded in a non-Darcy porous medium with aiding and opposing external flows in the presence of melting, radiation and heat generation or absorption effects for non-Newtonian fluids are developed. Similarity variables are employed for the partial differential equations governing the flow and heat transfer characteristics and the resulting ordinary...

Author(s): Ali J. Chamkha, Sameh E. Ahmed and Abdulkareem S. Aloraier

July 2010

Effect of the annealing temperature on the structure and optical properties of Cd1-x MnxTe thin films

The ternary systems of Cd1-xMnxTe were synthesized by direct fusion technique. Thin films of these compounds were prepared by electron beam gun under vacuum of 10-5 Torr. The structural properties of these compounds in thin film forms were investigated by X-ray diffraction. It was found that materials crystallize in the zinc-blende form. The optical constants (absorption coefficient and band gap) of the...

Author(s): S. A. Gad, M. Boshta, A. M. Abo El-Soud and Y. A. el-Gendy