March 2010
Stability and dancing dynamics of acoustic single bubbles in aqueous surfactant solution
Acoustic single bubbles in aqueous solutions of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) have been studied. In dilute SDS solutions, the trapped bubbles are found to be stabilized and sustainable up to higher driving acoustic amplitude. Stroboscopic images of the bubble are consistent with theory, indicating dancing motion and intensive near-resonance oscillations of the bubble. A trace analysis of the bubble fluctuations reveals...
March 2010
Synthesis and smectogenic A and C*properties of (S)-(-)-2-Methylbutyl 4’-(4â€-n-alkanoyloxybenzoyloxy)biphenyl-4-carboxylates
A series of chiral ester (S)-(-)-2-methylbutyl 4’-(4”-n-alkanoyloxybenzoyloxy)biphenyl-4-carboxylates possessing different length of alkyl chain have been isolated and their molecular structures were proposed via physical measurement and spectroscopy techniques. Phase transition temperatures and thermal parameters were obtained from differential scanning calorimetry. Observation under polarizing optical...
March 2010
Occupant feedback on indoor environmental quality in refurbished historic buildings
Since the year 2005, Malaysia has been moving away from constructing new buildings in favour of refurbishing historic and old ones. This is due to a number of reasons, including the economic crisis, land limitation and sustainable issues. However, when a historic building is refurbished, there is seldom any methodical study made of the occupants’ opinions concerning indoor environmental quality. There are few...
March 2010
Modeling the characteristic effect of phagocytes on wound healing
Here we use a coupled reaction-diffusion equation to model deep partial thickness wounds in which the interaction of bacteria and normal skin cells is represented by the invasive capacity of bacteria and the phagocytic behavior of normal skin cells. The coupled system is investigated with the assumption that there is a constant consumption rate of bacteria by normal skin cells. The spatially homogenous case is...
March 2010
Effect of thermally stratified ambient fluid on MHD convective flow along a moving non-isothermal vertical plate
Aim of the paper is to investigate the effect of linear thermal stratification in stable stationary ambient fluid on steady convective flow of a viscous incompressible electrically conducting fluid along a moving, non-isothermal vertical plate in the presence of transverse magnetic field. The governing equations of continuity, momentum and energy are transformed into ordinary differential equations using local...
March 2010
An investigation on the concrete properties containing colemanite
A radiation dose above the maximum permissible limit is harmful to our environment and our bodies. Study of radiation absorption in material has become an important subject to protect living creature and environment from harmful effect of radiation. Thus it is desirable to have the knowledge about the effective materials for neutron and gamma ray shielding. Concrete is the most widely used construction material in the...
March 2010
The comparison of analytical and numerical solutions for wave diffraction due to insular breakwater
This study has investigated the wave diffraction due to insular breakwater using analytical solutions based on the Fresnel integral and polynomial approximation solution of Fresnel integrals, and numerical solutions of boundary element method (BEM) based on the boundary integral equation. When using the Fresnel integrals the mathematical equations and the boundary conditions became complicated, but when using the...
March 2010
Two-dimensional electrical resistivity survey around the periphery of an artificial lake in the precambrian basement complex of northern Nigeria
A two-dimensional electrical resistivity survey was carried out at the periphery of the impounding reservoir of the Ahmadu Bello University farm dam in order to investigate the subsurface seepage conditions and identify possible weak zone that could serve as seepage paths within the subsurface in the vicinity of the dam. Eight profiles were acquired, using Abem Lund imaging system, along each of the northern and...
March 2010
On solutions of nonlinear heat diffusion model for thermal energy storage problem
An analysis is performed for an unsteady nonlinear heat diffusion problems modeling thermal energy storage in a medium with power law temperature-dependent heat capacity, thermal conductivity and heat source term and subjected to a convective heat transfer to the surrounding environment at the boundary through a variable heat transfer coefficient. Lie group theory is applied to determine symmetry reductions of the...
March 2010
A novel measurement system for dry rubber content in concentrated natural latex based on annular photoelectric sensor
A novel measurement system for dry rubber content in concentrated natural latex is presented and designed in this paper. The measurement system is composed of annular photoelectric sensor, laser diode, distance detector, two-stage amplifier module of weak photocurrent signal, signal conversion module, microprocessor and so on. According to the principle Lambert, the reflectivity of samples will be different when the dry...
March 2010
Survey and realization of distiller's prototype to three horizontal compartments
This work consists of an experimental and theoretical survey of a distiller composed of three compartments of which the coolant fluid used is water. Distiller’s type is conceived for an adequate separation of constituent of a water-ethanol mixture of which the temperature of boiling point are lower than the hot water. The theoretical survey is based on a model of heat transfers between the compartments and...
March 2010
Photo - excitation and spin wave scattering effects on specific heat of the (Ga1−X, MnX) as diluted magnetic semiconductor
The effects of photo - excitation and spin wave scattering on magnetic specific heat of the diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) (Ga, Mn)As are theoretically studied using Green function formalism and employing a model system Hamiltonian consisting of magnons, photons and an interaction of magnons with photons. At very low temperatures, the DMS is found to have anomalous magnetic specific heat. This could be interpreted...
March 2010
Gaussian soliton solution to nonlinear Schrodinger equation with log-law nonlinearity
This paper integrates the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with log-law nonlinearity. This is done by the aid of Lie symmetry approach. The stationary solutions are thus obtained. Key words: Optical solitons, log-law nonlinearity, lie symmetry.