Full Length Research Paper
This study assessed and compared formally and informally trained dressmakers with regard to their use of dart principles in pattern making and garment designing. The descriptive research design was used for the study with a sample size of 50 dressmakers selected from three districts in the central region of Ghana. The instruments used for data collection were a semi-structured interview guide and an observation check list. The data collected were analysed with the help of descriptive and inferential statistics using the Predictive Analytical Software for windows version 22. The results of the study revealed significant differences between formally and informally trained dressmakers with regard to the application of dart principles manipulation and contouring, but not added fullness. Generally, the formally trained dressmakers performed better than the informally trained ones with the application of the three dart principles assessed in this study. It was therefore recommended that the dressmakers and tailors association incorporate a little theory on the preliminary stages involved in garment designing such as dart use into the framework they use in training apprentices. This will enable apprentices who will establish their own apparel production industry in the future treat preliminary stages with much importance.
Key words: Dressmakers, training, dart principles, pattern making, garment designing.
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