The need to improve academic performance in building trades by students of technical colleges in South-east Nigeria necessitated this study to determine the effect of meta-learning teaching method (MTM) on the students’ academic performance. Two research questions guided the study and two hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. A quasi-experimental design involving experimental and control groups plus pre-test and post-test was adopted. Population of the study was all the 376 National Technical Certificate (NTC) year II building trades students. A sample of 120 was purposively drawn for the study. Instrument for data collection was Building Trades Performance Test (BTPT) validated by experts with a reliability coefficient of 0.60. Data were analyzed with mean, standard deviation and ANCOVA. It was found that MTM improved students’ academic performance in building trades. No significant interaction effect was observed between school ownership and the two methods used. Conclusion was drawn and it was recommended that building trades teachers should use MTM while supervisory agencies should assist them through seminars and conferences.
Key words: Meta-learning teaching method, academic performance, building trades.