Full Length Research Paper
The study examined effect of 4MAT method on academic achievement and attitudes toward engineering economy for undergraduate students. Comparison between 4MAT and traditional method in teaching selected units from engineering economy course had been conducted. The sample of this study included 80 under graduate students in two separate groups. One of the groups was considered as an experimental group in which 4MAT method was applied; and the other was considered as a control group in which the traditional teaching has been delivered. Data was obtained from two scales, engineering economy attitude scale and knowledge test on foundations of engineering economy and present worth analysis units. It was concluded that students who are guided through 4MAT are exposed to a variety of learning experiences and increased chances for academic achievement and attitudes toward engineering economy. In addition, 4MAT method provides a rational foundation for faculty members, who might have hesitated to bring creativity into the classroom, and to develop activities beyond the traditional lecture. Also, the application of 4MAT in engineering classroom leads to renewed interest for the educational process and a greater commitment to teaching and learning
Key words: 4MAT, learning style, academic achievement, attitudes, engineering economy.
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