Full Length Research Paper
Modernity and technological developments have necessitated the need to expose opportunities in e-learning for effective technical and vocational education and training (TVET) programme. The opinion of the teachers regarding availability of these e-learning opportunities raises concern in teaching circles. It could be that teachers appear not worried about the availability of these opportunities. Against this background, it becomes necessary to determine the opinion of teachers on the availability of e-learning opportunities for effective TVET programme in tertiary institutions in South east Nigeria. To achieve this, three research questions and one null hypothesis were raised. The study adopted a descriptive research survey using a sample of 98 TVET lecturers from Enugu State South. Instrument for data collection was validated by three experts and reliability established using Cronbach alpha statistics which yielded a coefficient index value of 0.71 and was adjudged as high enough. It was found out that in the teachers’ opinion, e-learning opportunities for effective TVET programme were not available, and that this opinion was not dependent on experience. It was further recommended that teachers be sent on capacity building programmes to get acquainted with the skills to exploit the availability of e-learning opportunities in higher institutions.
Key words: E-learning, availability, opportunities.
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