How to cite this article
Ndekezi, M., Kaluli, J. W., & Home, P. G. (2019). Evaluation of sand-dam water quality and its suitability for domestic use in arid and semi-arid environments: A case study of Kitui-West Sub-County, Kenya. International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, 11(6), 91-111.
Chicago /
Ndekezi Moïse, James W. Kaluli and Patrick G. Home
. "Evaluation of sand-dam water quality and its suitability for domestic use in arid and semi-arid environments: A case study of Kitui-West Sub-County, Kenya." International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering 11, no. 6 (2019): 91-111.
Ndekezi Moïse, James W. Kaluli and Patrick G. Home
. "Evaluation of sand-dam water quality and its suitability for domestic use in arid and semi-arid environments: A case study of Kitui-West Sub-County, Kenya." International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering 11.6 (2019): 91-111.