Journal of
Agricultural Extension and Rural Development

  • Abbreviation: J. Agric. Ext. Rural Dev
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2170
  • DOI: 10.5897/JAERD
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 490

Table of Content: January-March 2024; 16(1)

January 2024

Professional competence and extension service delivery in Thulamela Municipality, Limpopo Province, South Africa

The purpose of this study was to assess the extension practitioners' demonstration of professional competencies in extension service delivery to small-holder farmers in the Thulamela municipality. The study employed a cross-sectional survey design. The assessment was conducted by soliciting the views of 80 crop and animal farmers in the municipality who were serviced by extension practitioners that had undergone...

Author(s): Afful D. B. and Mudzanani F. F.  

January 2024

The influence of socio-economic household characteristics on farmer resilience to climate change in Northern Ghana

Approaches to improved resilience of small-farmers due to the effects of climate change are of critical concern. This study investigates the socio-economic factors that influence small-scale farmers’ on-farm resilience in northern Ghana using seven resilient approaches adopted in the study area. Using a multi-stage sampling approach, a total of 300 small-scale farmers were interviewed. A bivariate analysis...

Author(s): Benjamin Bilalam Jabik  

January 2024

Land degradation and possible mitigation measures in Ethiopia: A review

Land degradation is considered an important topic of the 21st century, associated with the decline in soil fertility, and has become a serious threat to agricultural productivity in sub-Saharan Africa. Land degradation is widely recognized as reducing agricultural potential and contributing to ongoing food insecurity and rural poverty. The economy of Ethiopia is primarily based on agriculture, and Ethiopia has...

Author(s): Belay Asnake  

February 2024

Panamá disease tropical race 4 in banana plantations in Mozambique: Disease intensity, spatial distribution and negative socio-economic impact

Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Tropical Race 4 (Foc TR4) devastated the second-largest banana plantation farm in Northern Mozambique, resulting in an 86% loss of the Cavendish Williams banana area and the layoff of 88% of the workers. This study conducted a field survey with 119 soil and 26 crop samples and administered a questionnaire in a quasi-experimental design with two samples, randomly selected, of unemployed...

Author(s): Eunice Paula Armando Cavane, Amândio Muthambe, Ana Monjane and Miguel Dita  

February 2024

Adoption and utilization of business innovations of agricultural research in Uganda: Empirical analysis

This paper seeks to examine the adoption of business innovations within the context of the agricultural sector in Uganda. The findings emerge from research carried out to assess the utilization of business innovations of research in Uganda considering National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) as a reference, specifically to find out the association between innovation attributes and their use on-farm, as well as...

Author(s): Alex Barekye and Caleb Tamwesigire