January 2024
Assessing the economic impacts of foreign aid expenditure in West Africa: An empirical analysis of the effects of aid expenditure on economic growth
The economic impacts of foreign aid expenditure in developing countries remain a debatable topic in economics. Although extensive research has been conducted on this topic, no theoretical or empirical conclusion has been reached. Empirical studies conducted on this topic mostly suffer from endogeneity problems and failed to capture the effects of armed conflict on the efficiency of aid expenditure. Using Seemingly...
February 2024
The importance of project in underdeveloped countries
In underdeveloped countries like Africa, where socio-economic challenges persist and hinder progress, the role of projects emerges as a pivotal force in catalyzing sustainable development. Projects serve as catalysts for economic development by fostering job creation and income generation. According to a study by Johnson and Brown, successful projects not only provide immediate employment but also equip local...