Journal of
African Studies and Development

  • Abbreviation: J. Afr. Stud. Dev
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2189
  • DOI: 10.5897/JASD
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 243

Table of Content: July-September 2019; 11(5)

July 2019

Challenges of educational digital infrastructure in Africa: A tale of hope and disillusionment

Technology-based distance learning is becoming popular throughout the world. In Sub-Saharan Africa, advancements in communication technology more than two decades ago raised much hope since technology-based distance education was seen as a promising cost effective and cost-efficient answer to expansion of access to education. These high hopes in technology-based distance education have, however, turned into...

Author(s): Joseph Mukuni  

July 2019

Security implications of oil exploration on social activities in South Lokichar Basin, Turkana County, Kenya

This study explored the security implications of oil exploration on the social activities in South Lokichar Basin, Turkana County, Kenya. It was motivated by the disagreements between the county government and national government on the exploration, extraction, production and sharing of oil benefits. Oil discovery and revenues fuel ethnic and political tension in any country, result in war and political instability....

Author(s): Cosmas Ekwom Kamais, Samson Wokabi Mwangi and Eric Kiprono Bor  

July 2019

Teacher learning in the context of curriculum reform

International studies on teacher learning communities (TLCs) emphasise that TLCs that are formed within the school context are powerful to help teachers improve their teaching practices. This paper presents a qualitative case study that analyses teacher-learning activities in a school-based professional learning community (PLC). The PLC aimed at staff developing teachers on how to connect mathematics education to...

Author(s): Sylvia Madusise