July 2024
Impact of adoption lag of soil and water conservation practices on crop productivity in Sio-Malaba Malakisi Basin of Kenya-Uganda border
The increasing need to feed a fast-growing population has significantly led to land degradation and a substantial reduction of soil and crop productivity globally, due to soil overexploitation. Adoption of Soil and Water Conservation Practices (SWCPs) improves crop productivity and reduces soil erosion rates. However, the adoption of SWCPs is still low in many countries, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. Moreover, even...
July 2024
Determining the pathway for commercialization of bioenergy technologies and products among stakeholders in the bioenergy value chain in Baringo County, Kenya
Bioenergy has emerged as a suitable alternative to fossil fuels with a potential to significantly contribute to the country’s energy targets. However, the well-established fossil fuel industry presents a challenge for the development of a commercially viable bioenergy industry. Other factors such as government policies, financial constraints, lack of stakeholders’ coordination, technical complexities, and...
July 2024
The effect of socioeconomic factors on household agro-enterprise incomes amongst dryland farming communities in Chepareria ward, Kenya
Dry lands cover over 40% of the Earth's land surface, and 84% of Kenya's land mass consists of arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs). Chapareria Ward in West Pokot County, Kenya, is among the most degraded ASALs. Since 2014, the Dryland Farmers Research Network (DFRN) project, a soil and water conservation (SWC) initiative, has been implemented in Chepareria Ward. All SWC activities are community-driven and anchored...
August 2024
Adoption of chickpea varieties by smallholder farmers in southern Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
Chickpea is one of the major pulse crops grown in southern Tigray in general and Enda-Mehoni district in particular. However, there are inadequate empirical evidences on adoption of chickpea varieties. This study aims to assess the determinants of adoption of chickpea varieties (Desi and Kabuli) by smallholder farmers. Both of the Desi and Kabuli types of chickpea were introduced by governmental and non-governmental...
September 2024
Welfare impact of genetically modified TELA® Bt maize varieties and their adoption among smallholder farmers in South Africa
This study analysed the impact of GM TELA® MON89034 Bt maize technology adoption on the welfare of smallholder maize farmers in Limpopo and Mpumalanga provinces in South Africa. Descriptive statistics results indicated that TELA® Bt maize yielded 61.1% more output compared to conventional maize varieties. The gross margin analysis showed higher incomes for the TELA® Bt maize farmers (R2, 834.93 ha-1)...