October 2011
Ruditapes decussatus embryo-larval toxicity bioassay for assessment of Tunisian coastal water contamination
This paper aims to assess Tunisian coastal water quality using the clam Ruditapes decussatusembryos and larvae bioassays tests. Water samples collected from four stations (Monastir lagoon, Chebba, Mahres and Zarat), was used for chemical analysis and clam bioassay tests (embryogenesis, larval growth and metamorphosis). The results, based on chemical analysis, showed the highest metal contamination in...
October 2011
Synthesis and insecticidal activities of some selected hydroxytriazenes
Eight hydroxytriazenes were synthesized and then subjected to spot tests. The composition of these hydroxytriazenes was analyzed using elemental analysis and their physical characteristics like melting point, crystal shape and colour were studied into details. The synthesized compounds were screened for their insecticidal activities against one day old male Drosophila melanogaster Meig (vinegar...
October 2011
Kinetic and equilibrium studies of the adsorption of lead (II) ions from aqueous solution onto two Cameroon clays: Kaolinite and smectite
The efficiency of the adsorbents; kaolinite (MY22s) and smectite (Sa01) for the removal of lead (II) ions from aqueous solution was investigated. Parameters such as contact time (t) and initial concentration (Co) with a particle size of 80 µm were studied by using a batch scale adsorption technique. This is with the intension of optimising appropriate conditions to be utilised on a commercial scale...
October 2011
Physicochemical dynamics of the impact of paper mill effluents on Owerrinta River, eastern Nigeria
Industrial effluent discharge constitute major source of water pollution. Effects of effluent discharge from three paper mill industries on recipient Owerrinta River was determined by subjecting samples to standard physicochemical analysis. All values were within standard excepting the pH value of Effluent-II sample (3.92) and Total Suspended Solids values of all the effluent samples (84, 496, and...