Journal of
Economics and International Finance

  • Abbreviation: J. Econ. Int. Finance
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9812
  • DOI: 10.5897/JEIF
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 367

Article in Press

Is green entrepreneurship a panacea for the triple quest against climate change, unemployment, and migration in Ethiopia? A policy synergy perspective

Tsegaye Molla Enyew

  •  Received: 23 April 2020
  •  Accepted: 04 August 2020
Anthropogenic causes of climate change which ranges from local to global levels are exacerbating human life, their businesses and this is more severe when it comes to the economies of the developing world. This paper tried to develop a compendium of potential green jobs, best practices, and strategies for exploiting green jobs from experiences of African and Latin American countries to catalyze rural development of Ethiopia. Best practices for sustaining environment-economy continuum are community-engaged, inter-sector synergy, taxes against and subsidies for eco-friendly industries. Strategies to use identified green enterprises are biodiversity monetization, local industries and value addition, climate-proofing development projects, climate adaptive soil and water conservation, easy finance for green entrepreneurs (financial and tax incentives), green energy and climate-resilient production systems, eco-tourism, skill training, conducive infrastructure, equity in biodiversity benefit sharing and public policy synergy (agriculture, microenterprise, finance, environment protection), private, academic, and social sectors are necessary. This way certainly realizes our quest of transforming climate-sensitive rural life into climate adaptive via greening jobs to boost self-employment, reducing rural poverty, curbing mass migration from rural to urban areas and protecting biodiversity given that the strategies are synergistically implemented.

Keywords: Green entrepreneurship, green energy, green banking, climate change, unemployment, migration, biodiversity monetization, policy synergy