December 2011
The celestial factor
In reality there are various kinds of explanations for each type of extinction. This paper introduces a new theory to explain and to estimate the size and frequency of all extinctions over the entire period of 600 my of the fossil record. The central point was the search for a common pattern and even one common formula. The explanation seemed to be excellent. We will demonstrate in what way death is a fact of life: by...
December 2011
Distribution and succession of aquatic macrophytes in Chilka Lake - India
Chilka is the largest brackish water lake in Asia and also the second largest lake in the world. It is situated between 19°28' and 19°54' North latitude and 85°05' and 85° 38' East longitude. A mix of estuarine, marine and freshwater ecosystem is observed here and the lagoon has a long history of sustainable fishing. In September 2000 as a part of its management endeavour, the local...
December 2011
Assessment of heavy metals (lead and cadmium) concentration in Paspalum orbiculare near municipal refuse dumpsites in Lagos State, Nigeria
Lead and cadmium concentrations in Paspalum orbiculare from four different dumpsites and a control site were determined in this study. The Plant samples were analyzed for lead and cadmium concentrations using a flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (FAAS) Perkins Elmer Model 500. The presence of lead in the plant tissues obtained form the study site where burning was attributed to the high degree of...