Journal of
Ecology and The Natural Environment

  • Abbreviation: J. Ecol. Nat. Environ.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9847
  • DOI: 10.5897/JENE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 411

Table of Content: 26 January, 2012; 4(2)

January 2012

Microbial corrosion of steel coupons in a freshwater habitat in the Niger Delta

Microbial corrosion of stainless, mild and carbon steel coupons in a semi static freshwater habitat was carried out monthly for a period of one year. Corrosion rate was determined by weight loss. Carbon steel had corrosion rate of 44 g/year, mild steel 27 g/year, stainless steel 0.64 g/year. Ecological quality parameters of the river water for rainy season decreased from April to October, respectively in the following...

Author(s): Odokuma L. O. and Ugboma C. J.

January 2011

Spatial assessment of farmers’ cooperative organizations in agricultural development in Gurara area of Niger State, Nigeria

The cooperative organizations among farmers are viewed as contributory forces towards growth and development of Agricultural production in recent times. The cardinal objective was to assess such elements that enhance their performance. Both primary and secondary data were used for the study. The primary data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire administered among 60 different registered farmers’...

Author(s): Adefila, J. O.

January 2012

Influence of Zn stresses on growth and physiology in Khus-khus (Vetiveria zizanoides Nash.) and its essential sesquiterpene oil(s), in relation to roots diameter circumferential positions

Culturing Khus in controlled glasshouse condition in sand culture techniques for maximum essential monoterpene oil(s) was found (0.21%) in young developed middle position circumferences of roots. At middle position of leaf, net photosynthetic rate and contents of chlorophyll (Chl) were affected. The maximum peroxidase activity was obtained at the middle position of leaf and roots circumferences area, with the maximum...

Author(s): A. Misra, N. K. Srivastava and A. K. Srivastava