December 2010
The role of the Miombo Woodlands of the Southern Highlands of Tanzania as carbon sink
Inventory and monitoring of existing carbon pools in ecosystems is important for establishment of baselines for Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) as well as understanding the global carbon budget. We used tree dimensions to quantify the carbon pools of two sites in Miombo woodlands of the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. Mean above ground carbon density of the Miombo ecosystem was 19.2t...
December 2010
When ecological functions are more important than richness: A conservation approach
In this work, we utilize the assessment of functional groups (FG) and functional diversity (FD) to evaluate and compare the ecological functions of two types of dry forest of South Eastern Brazil. Hence, we hypothesized that forests with different species richness could have similar FD and FG, but distinct ecological functions. The floristic composition from two physiognomies (deciduous and semideciduous forests) of six...
December 2010
New report from presence and distribution of Allactaga firouzi in Iran
The Iranian jerboa Allactaga firouzi (Womochel, 1978) is one of the rarest rodent species in the world and it has been reported exclusively from a single site in central Iran. Due to the lack of enough information on the ecology of this species, its conservation status was changed to “Data Deficient” category in late 2008. No additional data on A. firouzi was published since its first...