January 2022
Detection and predictive modeling of land use changes by CA-Markov in the northern part of the Southern rivers: From Lower Casamance to Gêba river (Guinea Bissau)
The northern part of the Southern rivers, which is the subject of this study, lies between 18° 54' and 14° 48' north latitude and 11° 30' and 12° 54' west longitude. It is characterized by a dense hydrographic network dominated by maritime marshes and expanses of salty lands and mangrove mudflats that have developed on a vast coastal plain. The objective of this study is to analyze...
January 2022
The impact of community-based ecotourism program on livelihood of local community: Result of propensity score matching from Adaba- Dodola District, Ethiopia
Ecotourism is a recently emerged concept described as an ecologically friendly, economically and socially viable form of tourism. Its aims are to conserve the environment and local culture, and to ensure the major beneficiary and participation of local communities. This research aims to analyze the determinants of community based ecotourism and its livelihood impact in local community. 213 sample households consisting...
January 2022
Silvicultural assessment of enrichment planting with commercial tree species after selective logging
The integrity of forest stands in logging concessions depends on the logging method. Selective logging is the most commonly used method in the tropics, disturbing a considerable proportion of soil and canopy cover creating distinct sites for plant establishment. The objective of this study was to evaluate the silvicultural requirements in terms of light and moisture of seedlings of some commercial tree species used for...