Journal of
Ecology and The Natural Environment

  • Abbreviation: J. Ecol. Nat. Environ.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9847
  • DOI: 10.5897/JENE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 411

Table of Content: July-September 2021; 13(3)

July 2021

Understanding levels and motivations of rural women engaging in Forest Management Institutions: Evidence from developing countries

Although studies emphasize that rural women are persistently being marginalized in forest governance in the Global South, some feminist scholars contend that women are still joining and engaging in forest management institutions. Drawing on the ‘Typology of Participation’ model and the ‘Gender Box’ framework, this article intends to widen our understanding of the levels and motivations of rural...

Author(s): Edwin A. B. Juma, Paul Omondi and Raphael W. Kareri

July 2021

Floristic and structural diversity of woody vegetation in the Sudano-guinean zone of Larmanaye, Chad

This study was carried out in the Larmanaye ecological landscape in the Sudano-guinean zone of Chad. The objective was to analyse the floristic and structural diversity of different woody-vegetation types. Floristic and dendrometric data were collected in 92 plots of 2500 m² to assess woody species with diameter greater than 5 cm, and 460 plots of 25 m² for the assessment of regeneration. The composition,...

Author(s): Béré NANGNDI, Marie Louise AVANA TIENTCHEU, Junior Baudoin WOUOKOUE TAFFO, Alex Bruno ETCHIKE DONG, Dodorom Téblé WOLWAI  and Théophile FONKOU

July 2021

Cocoa-based agroforestry systems and its potential for tree resource conservation around the Dja Biosphere Reserve Southeastern Cameroon

The objective of this study was to evaluate tree species diversity, structure and conservation status of these tree species in cocoa-based agroforestry systems around the Dja Biosphere Reserve, South East of Cameroon. This reserve is divided into four clusters due to its large nature and location between two regions. A random sampling approach was adopted, whereby, 100 plots of 100 m × 20 m and 10 m × 20...

Author(s): Njini Loveline Munjeb, Marie-Louise Avana Tientcheu, Yerima Bernard Kfuban Palmer and Roger Kogge Enang

July 2021

Diversity and molecular systematics of orchids in Mount Cameroon

A survey was carried out in Mount Cameroon to document the distribution and diversity of the Orchidaceae which is the most abundant plant family worldwide and the second most abundant in this study area. The study area was divided into 5 different zones made up of 4 ecotypes in the wild and some cultivated gardens. The ecotypes in the wild were further divided into different macro-habitats based on altitudinal gradients...

Author(s): Sylvie Etanke Essomo, Eneke Esoeyang Tambe Bechem, Beatrice Ambo Fonge, Doris Besem Arrey, Pascal Tabi Tabot, Yannick Afanga Afanga and Joice Meshi