Journal of
Ecology and The Natural Environment

  • Abbreviation: J. Ecol. Nat. Environ.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9847
  • DOI: 10.5897/JENE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 411

Table of Content: October 2018; 10(8)

October 2018

Vulnerability assessment of Gnidia glauca (Thymelaeaceae) exploitation, traditional uses and domestication potential in the community forest of Kilum-Ijim, North Western Cameroon

A study was conducted in the western highland region of Cameroon with the aim to assess sustainability of Gnidia glauca exploitation in its natural habitat. In 33 plots of 40 x 40 m, the unexploited, exploited and dead trees were evaluated for vitality using a multi-criteria vulnerability assessment method. An ethnobotanical survey was conducted with 60 respondents in six villages around Mount Oku area. Data were...

Author(s): Marie Louise AVANA-TIENTCHEU, Marie Caroline MOMO SOLEFACK,  Yanick Borel KAMGA and Victor Francois NGUETSOP  

October 2018

Understorey birds’ nests predation in afrotropical forest ecosystem: A case study of Korup area, Cameroon

Worldwide understorey nesting bird species such as bulbuls can also be highly vulnerable to nest predation in disturbed landscapes because they breed mainly on the lower stage of the forest. We test the following hypotheses: the transformation of forests into alternative land use systems and the vegetation’s variables at the nesting sites will affect the understorey nest predation rates. The nests of 12...

Author(s): Jean Tonleu, Kadiri Serge Bobo, Wamba Ducelier Djoumessi and Mpoame Mbida

October 2018

Litterfall, litter standing crops and nutrient dynamics as influenced by selective logging in tropical rainforest of Ebom, Southwest Cameroon

Litterfall, litter standing crops, nutrient dynamics and their turnover were studied in Ebom tropical rainforest of Cameroon six years after selective logging practices. Two sample sites, one in the logging part of the forest (disturbed site) and the other in the part of forest not affected by selective logging (undisturbed site) were used for the study. After two years of field experiment, the mean annual of litterfall...

Author(s): A. Ibrahima, J. C. Ntonga and A. D. Mvondo Ze