How to cite this article
Romain, N. J., Lagarde, B. J., Dicka, K. E., Momo, S. M. C., & Temgoua, L. F.
(2017). Deforestation, biodiversity and biomass losses in Kribi deep sea port area (Cameroon): Some mitigating measures. Journal of Ecology and The Natural Environment, 9(6), 87-98.
Chicago /
Ngueguim Jules Romain, Betti Jean Lagarde, Dicka Kwambe Emmanuel Momo Solefack Marie Caroline and Temgoua Lucie F&elicit&e . "Deforestation, biodiversity and biomass losses in Kribi deep sea port area (Cameroon): Some mitigating measures." Journal of Ecology and The Natural Environment 9, no. 6 (2017): 87-98.
Ngueguim Jules Romain, et al. "Deforestation, biodiversity and biomass losses in Kribi deep sea port area (Cameroon): Some mitigating measures." Journal of Ecology and The Natural Environment 9.6 (2017): 87-98.