How to cite this article
Mikolo, Y. C., & Kasumi, I. T. O. (2014). Regulation of usages and dependency on indigenous fruits (IFs) for livelihoods sustenance of rural households: A case study of the Ivindo National Park (INP), Gabon. Journal of Ecology and The Natural Environment, 6(10), 349-362.
Chicago /
Mikolo Yobo Christian and Kasumi I. T. O.. "Regulation of usages and dependency on indigenous fruits (IFs) for livelihoods sustenance of rural households: A case study of the Ivindo National Park (INP), Gabon." Journal of Ecology and The Natural Environment 6, no. 10 (2014): 349-362.
Mikolo Yobo Christian and Kasumi I. T. O.. "Regulation of usages and dependency on indigenous fruits (IFs) for livelihoods sustenance of rural households: A case study of the Ivindo National Park (INP), Gabon." Journal of Ecology and The Natural Environment 6.10 (2014): 349-362.