How to cite this article
Mwanyungu, B. C., Kuria, D. N., Gachari, M. K., Makokha, G. O., & Odongo, M. (2017). Development of an informal cadastre using social tenure domain model (STDM): A case study in Kwarasi informal settlement scheme Mombasa. Journal of Geography and Regional Planning, 10(10), 278-288.
Chicago /
Bartholomew, C. Mwanyungu, David, N. Kuria, Moses, K. Gachari, Godfrey, O. Makokha and Malachi Odongo. "Development of an informal cadastre using social tenure domain model (STDM): A case study in Kwarasi informal settlement scheme Mombasa." Journal of Geography and Regional Planning 10, no. 10 (2017): 278-288.
Bartholomew, et al. "Development of an informal cadastre using social tenure domain model (STDM): A case study in Kwarasi informal settlement scheme Mombasa." Journal of Geography and Regional Planning 10.10 (2017): 278-288.