This paper is intended to assess heritage tourism potential of Entoto Saint Marry church. To achieve the objective the researcher employed qualitative research method. Both primary and secondary data are used to assess the potentials. To collect the primary data interview was undertaken with selected church servants, community elders and other concerned individuals. In addition, deep and continuous personal observation was conducted to fill the gaps of interview and other sources gathered from various literatures. The analysis of the study revealed that Entoto complex has huge heritage tourism potentials. In this regard, the church of St. Mary with its mural paintings and precious antiquities, the different historic houses found in the churchyards of Entoto St. Mary, the palace and bedroom of Emperor Menelik II and the ESMCM with its possession are worth mentioning. Even though Entoto St. Mary has huge heritage tourism potentials and diversified values, they have not yet been utilized due to the presence of various hindering factors. Lack of tourist facilities, lack of heritage conservation and absence of documentation are among the factors that hinder heritage tourism development of the church. Finally, it is recommended that the collaboration of the administrations of the church with different stakeholders such as local people, private sector and the Addis Ababa culture and tourism office is very imperative to exploit the heritage tourism potential of the complex and mitigate the hindering factors.
Key words: Heritage tourism potential, Entoto St. Mary, challenges.