December 2008
Assessment of back extensor muscles endurance of apparently healthy Nigerian adults
Studies on gender differences in back extensors muscles endurance has been inconsistent and inconclusive. The objective ofthis study was to evaluate gender differences in timed isometric back extensor muscles endurance among apparently healthy adult Nigerians. 376 apparently healthy consecutive adults whose ages ranged between 21 to 62 years with the mean aged 38.9 ± 13.5 years participated in this study. This...
December 2008
Assessment of patients satisfaction with physiotherapy care
Patients' satisfaction has not been closely monitored in Physiotherapy and limited studies exist in this area ofallied health services. This study focused on patients' satisfaction with Physiotherapy services in the Federal Medical Centre, Abeokuta, Nigeria (FMCA). A self administered questionnaire in English and Yoruba versions, was distributed to 51 respondents (Patients and Patients' proxies) who had...
December 2008
Rehabilitation care outcome of lower limb fractures in a Nigerian Teaching Hospital-A retrospective study
Fracture is a common cause ofinjuries to lower extremities. It is clinically assumed that younger and male patients have better outcome following acute care rehabilitation of lower limb fractures. This study was therefore carried out to investigate pattern and outcome oj acute care rehabilitation of lower limb fractures. All cases of unilateral lower limb fractures referred for physiotherapy at LAUTECH Teaching...
December 2008
Opinion of a section of Nigerian physiotherapists on training and utilization of middle level worker
Delegation is the process of entrusting authority and responsibility to others. The support worliforce across the whole health care sector in some countries is growing in terms of number and developing in relation to its scope of activity but it appears as if Nigerian physiotherapists are divided in opinion on utilization ofmiddle level workers and there is still dearth ofempirical data to establish this. The primary...
December 2008
Shortwave diathermy in the management of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease pain: case reports
The purpose of this case study was to determine the therapeutic effect of Short Wave Diathermy (SWD) in the symptomatic management of chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) pain. Three cases of chronic PID were referred from the Obstetric and Gyneocology department of Murtala Muhammed Specialist Hospital (MMSH) and a Private Gyneocology Hospital in Kano, Nigeria, for Physiotherapy. SWD was administered to 2 of the...
December 2008
Physiotherapy in primary health care: are we ready?
Given the growing interest of the Nigerian physiotherapists in primary care, it is important to understand the general concept of this health care delivery system and the responsibilities associated with being a primary care provider. Physicians are historically trained to shoulder the responsibilities of a primary care provider. Other professionals are also redesigning their curriculum in order to be able to provide...