June 2002
Effect of two selected postural drainage positions and percussion on the blood pressure of healthy subjects
This study examines the blood pressure responses of apparently healthy subjects to two postural drainage positions and percussion. Forty-one subjects (29 males and 12females ) participated in the study and were randomly assigned into four groups, with three groups having JO subjects (7 males and 3 females ) each and the fourth group having 11 subjects (8 males and 3females). All of the subjects were...
June 2002
Transmissivity of some local couplants and phonophoretic drugs
This study was designed to compare the transmissivity of ultrasonic energy through Feldene gel, Bengay ointment, shea butter, and honey with that of Aquasonic gel . The subjectsfor the Study were eight normal undergraduate students aged 21-24 years. The pre-insonation skin temperature in the mid-anterior aspect of the subjects' thighs was recorded. The selected area was then insonated for two minutes using the...
June 2002
Patterns of musculoskeletal pain in selected occupations
The objective of this study was to identify the patterns of chronic or recurrent musculoskeletal pain in selected occupations (auto-mechanics, typists and secretaries, fashion designers and market traders) and to discuss the prospect of introducing an educational package for the prevention/rehabilitation of such chronic pains. A survey was conducted using a questionnaire that Was circulated to randomly selected...
June 2002
Aerobic exercise training and quality of life in stroke patients
There is an increasea appreciation of the need to include endurance exercise training in the overall management of stroke victims by the physio therapist. Raising the patient's level of physical fitness through aerobic exercise would help to reduce the incidence of secondary health condi tions, such as obesity, hypertension; and depre ssion, which may result from the patients reduced mobility. This...