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Environments explained 49.4%, G×E interaction 28.1%, and genotypes only 5.6% of the total sum of squares due to treatments for the first year of studied period 2018-2019 and 2019-2020. More than 95% of variations had been accounted for by the first seven interaction principal components. Superiority indexes had identified WH1239, DBW187, HD3249 genotypes as per the BLUE estimates. Same genotypes were highlighted by superiority and other measures based on BLUP of genotypes. Adaptability measures as per BLUEs expressed deviation from other measures and maintained the right angle with MASV1 and stability measures in Biplot analysis. Superiority indexes were clustered in the same quadrant. Similar clustering patterns had been displayed by measures based on BLUPs. Wheat genotypes HD3249, K1006 selected by superiority indexes and adaptability measures for the second year. Biplot analysis utilized 80% variability accounted by two PCs. Adaptability measures were placed in a different quadrant. However, measures maintained nearly the right angle with other stability measures with exception of superiority indexes. A similar pattern of clustering had been observed for adaptability as well as superiority indexes as per BLUP of genotypes.
Key words: AMMI model, MASV, WAASB, SI, SSI, Biplot analysis.
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