January 2024
Perception of the preferences of the links in the Spider plant (Cleome gynandra L.) value chain in Burkina Faso
Spider plant (Cleome gynandra L, Cleomaceae) is used in many parts of the world as an emergency crop, enabling populations to survive periods of hunger and famine. It is a leafy vegetable much appreciated by local populations, whose tender leaves and stems are used to prepare a variety of local dishes. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the perceptions and preferences of stakeholders in the C. gynandra L....
February 2024
Genetic variability and stability analysis of multi environments trials for durum wheat grain yield in Ethiopia
Genotype x Environment interactions and identification of stable genotypes in crop breeding programs for the production of grain crops under rain fed environments have become challenging. The study aimed to identify high yielding and stable durum wheat genotypes that are best suited for the relatively long season, high rain fall wheat growing environment of Ethiopia. In the study a total of 51 durum wheat genotypes...
February 2024
Performance of early-maturing topcross maize hybrids across multi-environments
Maize is one of the most important cereal crops used as source of food and feed. Identification of suitable maize inbred lines and testers for the development of stable maize hybrids can be challenging. The assessments of the combining ability of selected maize inbred lines and testers, agronomic performance and yield stability of the resultant topcross hybrids would provide useful information that would guide the...