Full Length Research Paper
For worldwide cultivation purposes farmers use numerous plastics. To cultivate watermelon, grapes, pumpkin, cucumber, potatoes, etc. they use polyethylene poly bags or polyethylene sheets. Polyethylene poly bags parts and polyethylene sheets are used to protect Crops from adverse situation such as natural disaster, muddy water and some external parasites insects. After that, the used plastics become a waste and they are non-biodegradable. Most common way to deal with those agricultural waste plastics is landfill/incineration. However this method is not a sustainable solution in the long run, because it will create ecological problems. So the problems of waste agriculture plastics cannot be solved by landfilling/incineration. Because safe depots are expensive and incineration stimulates the growing emission of harmful green house gases for example, NOx, SOx, COx etc.; Natural State Research, Inc. (NSR) can resolve the problems of agricultural waste plastics by converting it into high energy liquid hydrocarbon fuel. Produced fuel can be use alternative of Gasoline, Diesel, Heating oil, and Aviation fuel. To mitigate the present market demand we can substitute the method as a potential source of energy.
Key words: Cultivation, non-biodegradable, parasites, atmosphere, incineration, contamination, conversion, fuel, thermal degradation, agriculture plastic.
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