Full Length Research Paper
In spite of the ongoing depletion of fossil fuel and rise in fuel prices, there has been insufficient effort worldwide towards saving energy and maximizing use of remaining fuel reserves. In Bangladesh, electricity shortages cause power disruptions for much of the day and allow electricity distribution to only a fraction of the population. Such load sheddings cause interruptions in manufacturing, commerce, irrigation, and lower quality of life. Power disruptions create the need for back-up generators and UPS equipmentand hamper. The success of computers, Information Technology, and telecommunications. It is long overdue that energy saving programs are implemented in Bangladesh, creating awareness that extravagant consumption is detrimental to national, global and long-term interests. Methods are proposed to modify consumer behavior, such as turning off lights, fans and air-conditioners when not in use. Steps are proposed to reduce usage of power-hungry air-coolers, which produce acclimatization and dependence in users. Low-power alternatives to air-coolers are promoted, such as ceiling fans and ventilator fans on walls. Urban sprawl to distant suburbs is discouraged, in favor of compact townships, which are better adapted to buses. A detailed energy saving program for Bangladesh is proposed. A total of 30 undergraduate students were surveyed so as to preliminarily evaluate the feasibility of the proposed steps.
Key words: Energy, power, load shedding, power outage, air conditioner, fossil fuel, conservation
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