Full Length Research Paper
Petroleum cuts were used as solvents to recover oil from dry and semi dry petroleum sludge. The effects of various parameters, namely shaking time, temperature and the solvent volume upon oil recovery were investigated. Within the range of the studied operating conditions herein, the maximum oil recovery obtained varied from 80 - 97% depending upon the amount of oil within the sludge and the solvent efficiency used for extraction. A detailed study of the kinetics of solvent extraction based on oil recovery was carried out. This technology reuses of separated components and minimizing greatly the waste disposal problems created by land ban. The overall cost as well as time involved for recovery and the disposal of hydrocarbon residue has been decreased. Capillary gas chromatography was used to estimate the economic value and reuse of recovered oil.
Key words: Petroleum cuts, solvent extraction, petroleum sludge, shaking time, oil recovery and capillary gas chromatography.
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