Full Length Research Paper
Cost and limited reserves of conventional fossil fuels have intensified the search for alternative fuels for use in internal combustion engines. A possible alternative engine fuel is vegetable oil because it is a clean burning, renewable, non-toxic, biodegradable and environmentally friendly transportation fuel. It can be used in a neat form without any modification of the engine. Vegetable oils are produced from crops such as soybean, peanut, sunflower, cotton, jatropha, mahua, neem, coconut, linseed, mustard, Millettia pinnata, rapeseed and castor oil plant. A theoretical model was developed to evaluate the performance characteristics and combustion parameters of vegetable oil esters like Jatropha, Mahua and Neem for various injection pressures and compared to diesel fuel. From the investigation it was concluded that the performance of vegetable oil esters such as Jatropha, Mahua, and Neem were much better. Thus the developed model was highly capable for simulation work with bio-diesel as a suitable alternative fuel for diesel engines.
Key word: IC engines, injection pressure, tranesterification, emission, performance, brake power
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