Journal of
Parasitology and Vector Biology

  • Abbreviation: J. Parasitol. Vector Biol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2510
  • DOI: 10.5897/JPVB
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 204

Table of Content: November 2011; 3(4)

November 2011

Serological and parasitological prevalence of bovine trypanosomosis in small holder farms of the Vina division, Adamawa region of Cameroon

In the Adamawa region, the number one cattle-producing area in Cameroon, there is spacity of reliable data on bovine trypanosomosis and the disease epizootiology but animal breeders attribute huge economic losses to trypanosomosis in the complete absence of laboratory diagnosis. This led to the ugly situation where most sick animals are injected with trypanocides. Blood was collected from 330 zebu cattle in small holder...

Author(s): Mpouam S. E.,  Achukwi M. D., Feussom Kameni J. M., Bengaly Z. and Ouedraogo G. A.,  

November 2011

Malaria in Finchaa Sugar Factory area in western Ethiopia: Assessment of malaria as public health problem in Finchaa Sugar Factory based on clinical records and parasitological surveys, western Ethiopia

An assessment of the malaria prevalence and some of its risk factors was conducted in the Finchaa Sugar Factory estate, western Ethiopia, based on analysis of retrospective data from the health center, a cross-sectional survey using blood slides and a questionnaire. Over the period 2001 to 2005 average prevalence among suspected patients at the health centre was 30.9%. Examination of thick and thin blood films from a...

Author(s): Bayissa Chala and Beyene Petros

November 2011

Biology of Anopheles gambiae and insecticide resistance: Entomological study for a large scale of indoor residual spraying in south east Benin

Indoor residual spraying (IRS) has been proposed by the National Malaria Control Programme of Benin in the districts of Adjohoun, Dangbo, Misserete and Seme. Up to date entomological data are unavailable in these districts. To be effective, this measure must be based on the knowledge of biology of the malaria vectors. To achieve this aim, vector collections were made in the study area. A total of 49.059 Culicidae were...

Author(s): G. G. Padonou, M. Sezonlin, G. L. Gbedjissi, I. Ayi, R. Azondekon, A. Djenontin, S. Bio-Bangana, O. Oussou, A. Yadouleton, D. Boakye and M. Akogbeto,