How to cite this article
Eberemu, N. C., Auta, T., & Shehu, S. (2024). Geohelminths contaminating edible raw vegetables sold in markets and irrigation sites in Katsina Northwest Nigeria. Journal of Parasitology and Vector Biology, 16(1), 8-15.
Chicago /
Nkiru Charity Eberemu, Timothy Auta and Salihu Shehu. "Geohelminths contaminating edible raw vegetables sold in markets and irrigation sites in Katsina Northwest Nigeria." Journal of Parasitology and Vector Biology 16, no. 1 (2024): 8-15.
Nkiru Charity Eberemu, Timothy Auta and Salihu Shehu. "Geohelminths contaminating edible raw vegetables sold in markets and irrigation sites in Katsina Northwest Nigeria." Journal of Parasitology and Vector Biology 16.1 (2024): 8-15.