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Community’s perception of land degradation by erosion is a key social factor that is important in deciding options for controlling soil losses. Therefore, understanding Community’s knowledge and their perception and factors that influence their land management practices are of paramount importance for promoting sustainable land use in the study area. Community of the study area have good perception of soil erosion in general and its causes, indicators and the area of their plot of land vulnerable to soil erosion in particular. Moreover, they have good traditional and modern measure of soil conservation methods. However, various hindering factors such as lack of capital, poverty, small size of their land and other socio-economic and physical factors were observed which obstacle to apply the SWC technologies. In addition, Community’s perception of importance of modern SWC technologies was very high. However, the way of their perception seems wrong. Because, they perceive that modern SWC is government strategy to rehabilitate highly degraded area through campaigns rather than method of soil conservation on the agricultural land. They consider that the structure occupy large area that it hinder them to fully utilize their highly fragemented farmland due to high dependency on agriculture. Therefore, it is recommended that good policy and strategies by the government, corrective intervention from any concerned organizations aimed at this issue as well as the community’s participation on encouraging farmers’ participation in soil conservation practices are very important to solve current soil erosion devastations and environmental deterioration of the study area.
Key words: Participation, perception, soil erosion.
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