How to cite this article
Ofgeha, G. Y. (2017). Community’s perception on soil erosion and their participation in soil conservation practices: A case study of Alaltu watershed of Najo District, Ethiopia. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management, 8(2), 17-24.
Chicago /
Gemechu Yigezu Ofgeha. "Community’s perception on soil erosion and their participation in soil conservation practices: A case study of Alaltu watershed of Najo District, Ethiopia." Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management 8, no. 2 (2017): 17-24.
Gemechu Yigezu Ofgeha. "Community’s perception on soil erosion and their participation in soil conservation practices: A case study of Alaltu watershed of Najo District, Ethiopia." Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management 8.2 (2017): 17-24.