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Both cross-sectional and retrospective studies were conducted from October 2010 to April 2011 in Bahir Dar municipal abattoir and Azewa hotel to determine the prevalence and public health importance of hydatidosis in sheep. Hydatid cyst characterization was conducted based on routine meat inspection. Of the total of 400 sheeps examined by thorough meat inspection in Bahir Dar municipal abattoir and Azewa hotel, it was found that 60 (15%) of sheep were harboring hydatid cysts. The infection of liver, lung, kidney and spleen were 60.87, 37.68, 0.25 and 0%, respectively. The rate of cyst calcification was higher in liver than in other visceral organs. There was a significant difference in the harboring of hydatid cyst between age groups and body condition scores. Hence, there was a significantly higher prevalence of hydatidosis in sheeps of age greater than 3 years (p=0.032) and in poor body condition score (p=0.004). However, there was no significant difference between sexes (p=o.05). Hospital and clinic case-book survey (2007 to 2010) was also performed in Felegehiwot hospital, Gambi clinic and Kidanemeheret clinic to investigate the retrospective prevalence of human hydatidosis. Case book analysis showed that out of the total of 68,179 patients admitted for ultra sound examination, 30 (0.044%) hydatid cases were registered.
Key words: Hydatidosis, prevalence, fertility, zoonoses, sheep, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.
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