Full Length Research Paper
A study to determine the prevalence of bovine tuberculosis in cattle slaughtered in the Gombe township abattoir was conducted from March to July, 2009. Three hundred and twenty (320) cattle comprising of four breeds, slaughtered at the abattoir were examined post mortemly for bovine tuberculosis. The four breeds and number of each examined were White Fulani (155), Red Bororo (92), Sokoto Gudali (53) and Muturu (20). Eighty five (26.6%) cattle were found to be infected with bovine tuberculosis. On the basis of animal characteristics, white Fulani breed 60 (38.7%), females (cows) 58 (62.4%) and adults 45 (14.1%) had the highest prevalence of bovine tuberculosis than other breeds, males (bulls), young adults and young, respectively. There was significant association between sex, age and breed of cattle with infection (P < 0.05). The study suggests that bovine tuberculosis is a disease common to cattle in Gombe, though with moderate prevalence and could be of economic and public health importance.
Key words: Bovine, tuberculosis, cattle, Gombe township abattoir, Nigeria
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