Full Length Research Paper
A study on the prevalence of gastrointestinal (GI) nematodes of equines was conducted from November 2011 to April 2012 in Gondar town to determine the prevalence and associated risk factors. A total of 103 horses and 281 donkeys were examined coprologicaly for the presence of GI nematode eggs using flotation techniques. Coprological result indicated horses and donkey harbor one or more nematodes infection in the total prevalence rate of 89.32% (92) and 98.22% (276) respectively. The two genera of parasite commonly encounter during the study period were strongyle type of egg (84.47 and 98.22%) and Parascaris equorum (43.69 and 23.35%) of horses and donkeys, respectively. Mixed infections were detected with prevalence of 76.9 and 40.8% in horses and donkeys, respectively. There was significant (P<0.05) difference in prevalence of strongyle type of eggs and P. equorum between species. Body condition is one factor which shows significant different in the numbers of nematodes eggs both in donkeys and horses as both the species with poor body condition harbor more parasitic egg than good body condition. Because of their importance and impact of disease on the use of equine a compressive study for strategic parasitic control measures should be implemented.
Key words: Gastrointestinal (GIT), nematodes, donkey, horse, Gondar, Ethiopia.
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