July 2013
Management of exudative epidermitis (greasy pig disease) in 4 week old piglets
An outbreak of dermatological disease in piglets from backyard piggery in Makurdi Benue State, Nigeria was investigated and detected to be “Greasy pig disease” which was also confirmed by bacteriological identification of the etiology as Staphylococcus hyicus. The disease is characterized by exudative inflammation of the epidermis in pigs. The natural infection and characteristic lesions were...
July 2013
The study on tsetse fly (Glossina species) and their role in the trypanosome infection rate in Birbir valley, Baro Akobo River system, western Ethiopia
The study was conducted in Birbir valley of Oromia Regional State, Western Ethiopia from November, 2009 to July, 2010 to determine the trypanosome infection rate ofGlossina species and to relate with season tsetse population density and epidemiology of bovine trypanosomosis. A total of 384 flies of four species were dissected. The overall infection rate of Glossina species was 5.98% among which 4 (1.04%)...
July 2013
Earfly bite wounds in dogs in Ibadan, South-West Nigeria
A study was conducted in Ibadan, South-West Nigeria between 2005 and 2009 to determine the prevalence, risk factors and management protocols employed in earfly bite wounds in dogs. Review of case records, physical examinations and administration of structured questionnaire were used to obtain information with regard to the number of cases of earfly bite wounds presented, signalment, anatomical features, treatment...