Journal of
Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health

  • Abbreviation: J. Vet. Med. Anim. Health
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2529
  • DOI: 10.5897/JVMAH
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 419

Table of Content: March, 2014; 6(3)

March 2014

Heat stress amelioration and production performance in layers supplemented with herbal liquid anti-stressor product

As the body temperature of birds rise, feed consumption, growth rate, feed efficiency, survivability, egg production and egg quality tends to decline. In order to address the problem of heat stress, an experiment was conducted to determine the effect of AV/LAP/19 liquid (Supplied by M/s Ayurvet Ltd. Baddi, HP, India) containing natural vitamin C with bioflavonoids and selenium, and synthetic ascorbic-acid (vitamin C)...

Author(s): N. V. Jadhav, B. Awati, S. Kulkarni, P. G. Waghmare, M. D. Suranagi, K. Ravikanth, M. Dandale and Shivi Maini

March 2014

Effects of transportation positions and orientations on muscular damage of goats transported by road for 12 h during the hot-dry conditions

The influence of road transportation position and orientation on muscular damage was evaluated in 30 goats. The animals were divided into two groups: 20 goats transported by road for 12-h during hot-dry conditions (TG) and 10 non-transported sedentary goats (SG). During the 12-h transportation period, the goats spent 7 h standing, of which 40.0% of the goats spent 4.5 ± 0.7 h standing in perpendicular direction,...

Author(s): Ndazo Salka Minka and Joseph Olusegun Ayo

March 2014

A three year follow-up study on the occurrence of bovine ehrlichiosis (cowdriosis) at Gondar University dairy farm

Bovine ehrlichiosis (cowdriosis) is an acute, fatal, non-contagious, infectious, tick-borne rickettsial disease of ruminants, caused by Ehrlichia ruminantium and transmitted by Amblyomma ticks. During the 3 years period, 37 cases were examined at the University of Gondar dairy farms with diagnosis based on clinical, post-mortem and squash smear preparations. The age of animals which showed clinical signs ranged from two...

Author(s): Achenef Melaku, Basaznew Bogale, Mersha Chanie, Wassie Molla and Gizat Almaw

March 2014

Cloacal feacal carriage and occurrence of antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli in chicken grown with and without antibiotic supplemented feed

Drug resistant Escherichia coli persist in the intestinal flora of poultry birds, and these serve as route via which they can be transmitted directly to humans, thus contributing to the already growing crisis of antibiotic resistance. The purpose of this study was to determine the cloacal feacal carriage and occurrence of antibiotic resistant E. coli isolates from chicken fed with and without antibiotic supplemented...

Author(s): Nwankwo Chinwe, Ayogu Thomas, Iroha Ifeanyichukwu, Ejikeugwu Chika, Nwakaeze Emmanuel, Oji Anthonia and ILang Donatus

March 2014

Bacteriological evaluation of the drinking water quality in dairy farms in Khartoum state, Sudan

This study was conducted in Khartoum State in order to evaluate the quality of the drinking water in dairy farms based on bacteriological examinations and viable counts. A total of 39 water samples were obtained from dairy farms (13 in Khartoum, 13 in Omdurman and 13 in Khartoum North). All samples were cultured on Blood Agar and MacConkey for bacterial isolation and on nutrient agar for viable counts. The main result...

Author(s): Amna Mustafa Musa and Atif Elamin Abdelgadir