Journal of
Yeast and Fungal Research

  • Abbreviation: J. Yeast Fungal Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2413
  • DOI: 10.5897/JYFR
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 132

Table of Content: 16 September, 2011; 2(9)

September 2011

Effect of carbon, nitrogen and trace elements on growth and sporulation of the Termitomyces striatus (Beeli) Heim

Nutritional studies namely carbon, nitrogen and trace element requirements of Termitomyces striatus have been carried out. Amongst all the carbon compounds used, the most favourable in order of effectiveness are D (+) glucose, D (+) sucrose, maltose and D (+) raffinose. The fungus showed poor growth with lactose. Sodium nitrite served as the best inorganic nitrogen source for the growth of this fungus. Ammonium acetate,...

Author(s): Simerjit Kaur

September 2011

Growth and in vitro phosphate solubilising ability of Scleroderma sinnamariense: A tropical mycorrhiza fungus isolated from Gnetum africanum ectomycorrhiza root tips

The growth and ability of Scleroderma sinnamariense isolated from Gnetum africanumectomycorrhiza root tips to solubilise calcium tetrahydrogen diorthophosphate, calcium phytate, hydroxyapatite and amorphous iron phosphate was assessed in axenic culture under a range of conditions. S. sinnamariense grew on all P sources when NH4+ was sole nitrogen source, but failed to grow on amorphous iron...

Author(s): Eneke Esoeyang Tambe Bechem