September 2011
Comparative analysis of bioethanol production by different strains of immobilized marine yeast
Yeasts are well known for bioethanol production. However, marine yeasts are less known for the activity. In the present context of increasing demand for energy and biofuel, the microbial synthesis of ethanol using cellulosic waste materials has gained recent importance. The present study deals with the identification of potential marine yeasts for ethanol production. Ten species of marine yeasts were cultured for 24,...
September 2011
Screening of indigenous yeast isolates obtained from traditional fermented foods of Western Himalayas for probiotic attributes
Twenty three indigenous isolates of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) obtained from various traditional fermented foods and traditional inocula of Western Himalayas (Himachal Pradesh) were subjected to in vitro probiotic tests. All the isolates were found to be intrinsically tolerant to upper gastrointestinal transit and this property was isolate dependent. Reduction in viability (in terms of log CFU/ml cells) was more...