May 2011
Physiological variability among isolates of Phomopsis azadirachtae from Tamil Nadu
16 isolates of Phomopsis azadirachtae, causing die-back of neem were isolated from 16 different geographical regions of Tamil Nadu. Their growth response to physical (temperature and pH) and chemical (carbon and nitrogen sources) factors were investigated. The toxicity of culture filtrate of each isolate on neem seed germination was also studied. Several isolates exhibited maximum growth at 35°C. Maximum growth...
May 2011
Use of isozyme analyses and PCR based methods RAPD and RFLP for assessment of biochemical and genetic diversity of morphologically similar ectomycorrhizal Lactarius deliciosus from India
The present study was undertaken to assess the genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship among the morphologically similar and ecologically variant isolates of Lactariusdeliciosus using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based techniques random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD), rDNA analysis and isozyme patterns. Two major groups were defined amongst the total isolates by cluster analyses. Four bands of...
May 2011
Two new schifffnerulaceous fungi from Kerala, India
Two new species namely, Sarcinella loranthacearum and Schiffnerula meliosmatis are collected from Peppara and Neyyar Wildlife sanctuaries and Silent Valley National park are described and illustrated in detail. Key words: Black mildews, new species, Kerala, India.