February 2012
Prevalence of anemia in school children
The aim of this Cross sectional study was to assess the prevalence of anemia in school children. Two hundred school children within the ages of 5 to 16 years from Government School of Rishikesh, Uttrakhand, India were subjected to relevant history, complete physical examination, hemoglobin estimation and general blood picture gastric bypass procedures (GBP). Anemia was seen in 56.5% cases. More...
February 2012
Abdominal surgical management of partial cervical agenesis in a virgin
We present a 14-years old virgin with partial congenital cervical canal agenesis and hematometra. On examination, she was virgin with intact hymen and a 7 cm long vagina. A pelvic ultrasonography revealed hematometra and hematocervix. Surgical therapy included creation of a patent cervix by making a midline vertical cervical and upper vaginal incision with a subsequent excision of the distal ï¬brous tissue at the...