Full Length Research Paper
Junior secondary schools’ achievement in Basic Science continues to fall below expectations, despite several interventions by multiple stakeholders. Hence, there is need to research more on gender effects on the delivery of Basic Science curricula content. This study, therefore, examined the effect of gender on Basic Science students’ academic achievement in secondary school. A pre-test, post-test, non-equivalent, control group, quasi experimental research design was adopted. Two intact classes of seventy-two (72) JSS 2 students (30 males and 42 females) were randomly selected from public secondary schools for the study State Nigeria. The selected classes were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. A 25-item validated instrument titled Basic Science Achievement Test (BSAT) designed by the researchers was used for data collection. The reliability coefficient of the BSAT was 0.81 using Kuder-Richardson’s formula 20 (K-R 20). Data collected were analyzed using Means, Standard deviation and Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The findings of the study revealed that gender (male/female) had no significant effect on students’ achievement in Basic Science and finally, result showed that there was significant interaction effect of treatment and gender on students’ academic performance in Basic Science. Therefore, it was recommended that students should be given equal opportunity and the same level of encouragement irrespective of their level and gender.
Key words: Academic achievement, basic science, gender, secondary school.
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