Plant species composition, richness and diversity in different agroforestry practices of Moshi rural district, Northern Tanzania
February 2025
Agroforestry practices (AFPs) have the potential to improve species composition and the ecological integrity of various landscapes. However, site-specific studies on the role of AFPs in enhancing plant species composition, richness, and diversity are scarce. This study aimed to determine variations in useful plant species composition and diversity across five agroforestry practices: Boundary Planting Agroforestry...
Using fruiting Ape food trees (Myrianthus holstii) to count sympatric mammals at Kahuzi-Biega National Park, Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
December 2024
Understanding the diversity and distribution of flora and fauna, and their interactions, is a prerequisite for a successful protected area management program. Between 2020 and 2022, camera traps were installed at 34 different stations in front of fruiting Myrianthus holstii trees, a species whose fruits are eaten by various mammal species. A total of 699 photos and videos were recorded. At least 23 mammal species...
An ecophysiological study of the fern Onoclea sensibilis growing in three environmental locations varying in incident light intensity
November 2024
Onoclea sensibilis L. plants growing in three locations with varying light intensities (dense shade, partial shade, and open sun) at a temperate site in Palisades, New York, were studied to assess net photosynthesis rate, dark respiration rate, leaf micromorphology, and leaf fluorescence in relation to these light conditions. The mean maximum net photosynthesis rate (3.6 µmoles CO? m?² s?¹) was highest...
Density, abundance and spatial distribution niche overlap of large and medium-sized mammal populations in the Lomako-Yokokala Faunal Reserve, Congo
November 2024
Understanding the dynamics of large and medium-sized mammal populations is crucial for effective conservation and management strategies. This study conducted a wildlife inventory in the Lomako-Yokokala Faunal Reserve (RFLY), focusing on signs of activity from 34 species of large and medium-sized mammals. The findings revealed that a total of 3,261 signs were recorded within transects, with an additional 6,915 signs...
Rethinking conservation: Social injustices and the case for convivial conservation in Ghana’s Kyabobo National Park
November 2024
Conserving biodiversity for the benefit of present and future generations has driven global efforts toward the establishment of protected areas. However, balancing conservation goals with the need to sustain the livelihoods of local communities remains a significant challenge for protected area managers. The management of the Kyabobo National Park in Ghana, which employs restrictive conservation approaches, has been...
Comparative analysis of bird diversity, richness and evenness in three protected areas in Northern Tanzania
September 2024
Protected areas (PAs) play a crucial role in safeguarding and promoting ecological balance of bird diversity. This study presents a comparative analysis of bird diversity, richness, and evenness in three protected areas, Lake Manyara National Park (LMNP), Lake Natron Game Controlled Area (LNGCA), and Mtowambu Game Controlled Area (MGCA), during both wet and dry seasons. A standardized bird point count method was used to...
Assessment and valuation of provisioning ecosystem services (Non-Timber Forest Produce) in Medak Forest range, Telangana State
July 2024
The collection of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) by communities living near forest fringe villages in India is a critical aspect of sustainable forest management and livelihoods. This practice involves the harvesting of various forest resources such as medicinal plants, fruits, nuts, resins, and fibers. The reliance on NTFPs by local communities contributes to biodiversity conservation and economic sustainability,...
Evidence from GPS collars reveal a novel movement pattern and site fidelity for wildebeest migratory population in the Serengeti-Mara Ecosystem
July 2024
Ungulate migrations in ecology encompass various aspects, including movement behavior and site fidelity among species. This study aimed to investigate whether the Loliondo/Pololeti and Laetoli/Kakesio wildebeest herds exhibited migratory behavior and site fidelity during both wet and dry seasons within the Serengeti-Mara Ecosystem. Six female wildebeest were immobilized by a wildlife veterinarian and fitted with GPS...
Habitat preference and distribution of Himalayan Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens fulgens) in Ilam, Eastern Nepal
April 2024
In Nepal, red panda has been sparsely studied, although its range covers a wide geographical area. The current study was conducted in two community forests of Ilam district with the objective of examining the present distributional status and determining the habitat utilization of the species. Extensive field surveys were conducted to estimate species distribution by presence-absence of the species in the study site....
Plant species composition, abundance, diversity, and threats affecting their survival in Kiang'ombe and Kianjiru hills of Embu County, Kenya
April 2024
Forest cover loss is one of the major challenges facing Kenya; and there is insufficient data to guide sustainable biodiversity conservation stratagems. We determined the floristic and growth characteristics, plant species diversity, evenness, relative density, frequency, dominance, important value index, and indicators of biodiversity disturbance. From the 52 plots sampled in Kiang'ombe and Kianjiru hills, we...
An ecophysiological study of cultivated Nephrolepis exaltata (L.) Schott cv. Bostoniensis (Boston Fern)
April 2024
The Boston Fern, a cultivar of Nephrolepis exaltata native to tropical and sub-tropical environments, is widely cultivated. There is substantial published horticultural research on its cultivation. However, there is less research published on its physiological ecology. This is a report of the physiological ecology of laboratory cultivated N. exaltata cv. Bostoniensis, particularly focusing on the following aspects: Net...
Diversity and abundance of butterflies along a land use: Land cover gradient in Eastern Sierra Leone
April 2024
Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) is native to West Africa and has been cultivated for thousands of years. It is an essential part of the local cuisine and critical for food security. In Southeast Asia, oil palm plantations have been accused of being the main cause of deforestation and biodiversity loss. However, several recent studies assessing the impact of oil palm plantations have suggested that the conversion of primary...
Woody species composition and diversity in homegardens in Bekoji town, Southeast Ethiopia
March 2024
This study assessed the role of urban homegardens in woody species conservation in Bekoji town, southeast Ethiopia. Ninety-six homegardens were identified using multistage sampling technique. Woody species inventory was made in 3103 m × 10 m quadrants. Shannon and Weaver diversity index (H`), reciprocal of Simpson diversity index (1-D), evenness index (J`) and Margalef richness index (Dmg) were computed to...
Avian species composition, distribution and abundance in selected habitat types in Lake Manyara National Park, Northern Tanzania
February 2024
The study conducted at Lake Manyara National Park (LMNP) in 2021, covering both wet and dry seasons in aquatic, forest and woodland habitats, utilized the point count method to collect data on bird species composition, abundance and distribution. The results revealed a total of 171 identified bird species belonging to 52 families and 17 orders. Significant differences in species abundance were observed between woodland...
Conserving precious urban freshwater bodies: A case study of Telangana, India
February 2024
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) recognizes sovereign rights of States over their bioresources and also determines terms of accessing them, which is subject to their national legislation. India is among the 196 Contracting Parties to CBD and enacted the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 to claim sovereign rights over its bioresources and associated traditional knowledge (TK), and to meet its national...
Soil physicochemical properties and macroarthropod abundance across two segments of a temperate forest in Darma Valley, Kumaun Himalaya, India
January 2024
The study focused on soil macroarthropods, exploring their characteristics, environmental interactions, and role in soil nutrient dynamics—a subject that has been relatively understudied. To fill this gap, research was conducted in a temperate forest of Darma Valley, District Pithoragarh, Kumaun Himalaya, India. The forest was divided into two segments: A (disturbed) and B (undisturbed), based on anthropogenic...
Spatio-temporal infestation dynamics and influence of silvicultural pruning on shea trees (Vitellaria paradoxa Gaertn. C.F.) to control Loranthaceae parasites in northern Côte d'Ivoire
January 2024
Parasitic plants of the Loranthaceae family are responsible for the loss of shea trees, limiting fruit production and the survival of shea parklands in northern Côte d'Ivoire. The study aims to quantify the frequency of infestation by Loranthaceae from 2019 to 2021 and to assess the impact of silvicultural pruning techniques on the recrudescence of infestations. The methodology consisted of successively...
Effect of density and management of oil palm plantations on the avifauna of Southeastern Sierra Leone
November 2023
Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) is a tropical perennial plant that provides most of the vegetable oil traded internationally. Although native to Africa, oil palm is grown throughout the humid tropics, and the largest producers are now in Southeast Asia. In many regions of cultivation, oil palm has been identified as a leading cause of deforestation and biodiversity loss. In Sierra Leone, oil palm grows wild in secondary...
Effects of rangeland based integrated soil and water conservation practices on herbaceous species regeneration, diversity, biomass and growth of planted tree species in Haro-Bake Sub-Watershed, Yaballo District, and Southern Ethiopia
October 2023
Rangeland degradation is a significant threat to people in dryland areas, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa like Ethiopia. Rehabilitation of degraded land is challenging due to moisture limitations and drought. This study evaluated rangeland-based integrated watershed management. Three soil and moisture conservation structures were applied, and multi-purpose tree/shrub species like Faidherbia albida, Melia azedarach,...
Habitat preference and distribution of pangolin in Ala Forest Reserve and Onipanu Community Forest of Southwestern Nigeria
July 2023
Despite the ecological significance, social and economic values and the roles being played by pangolin, their ecological roles remain under-studied in context to Nigeria. There is dearth of information on the current status, distribution, habitat preferred by pangolin especially in the tropical rainforest ecoregion of Nigeria. Information on the overall habitat ecology, preference and the current distribution pattern of...
A comparative ecophysiological study of two forest understory ferns (Dryopteris marginalis and Polystichum acrostichoides) during summer drought and excessive heat
July 2023
This is a study of the photophysiology of two understory fern species growing on Torrey Cliff, Palisades, N.Y. during the summer of 2022 when the northeast incurred a significant period of drought and elevated temperatures. During the peak period of stress (July and August), mean photosynthesis rates of both species were lower than during more moderate weather in early summer and in autumn. Leaf fluorescence analyses...
Rural women vulnerability to human-wildlife conflicts: Lessons from villages near Mikumi National Park, Southeast Tanzania
July 2023
Human-wildlife conflicts (HWC) remain a serious conservation problem in Tanzania, particularly for rural communities near national parks. Despite this prevalence, research on rural women’s experiences with human-wildlife conflicts is limited. To address this research gap, this study examined the impacts of HWC on rural women from two villages neighboring Mikumi National Park (MNP) in Southeast Tanzania. A total of...
Socioeconomic determinants of Cameroon’s Mefou Wildlife Sanctuary visitors' willingness to pay for seeing animals in the wild
July 2023
Protected areas (PAs) in Cameroon witness chronic underfunding, with most operating with only around 10% of the necessary funds. This study aimed to explore socioeconomic factors affecting Mefou Wildlife Sanctuary (MWS) visitors' willingness to pay (WTP) for wildlife species observation in their natural habitat. The study was based on semi-structured questionnaires conducted with 637 respondents and the contingent...
Phenology and early growth performance assessment of the endangered Afromosia (Pericopsis elata) of the high forest zones in Ghana
July 2023
Pericopsis elata is a tall tree of high commercial value within moist and dry semi-deciduous West African forests. It is threatened with extinction, mainly due to overexploitation. Information on the reproductive phenology of such threatened but highly demanded trees remains crucial for taking conservation measures. This study examined the reproductive phenology of 50 individual trees relative to climatic variables,...
Traditional knowledge on wild edible vegetables consumed by communities around Serengeti ecosystem, northern Tanzania
June 2023
Globally traditional knowledge on wild edible vegetables (WEVs) exists in most communities, but this information is limited and incomplete in the Serengeti ecosystem. This study employed face to face interviews using semi-structured questionnaires to about 180 households to acquire the required information on the WEVs species they consume in their area. After analysis of the collected data, the results indicated that a...
Contributions of Mount Cameroon National Park (MCNP) activities to livelihood of the local people, South West Region Cameroon
June 2023
The survival of Protected Areas (PAs) in Cameroon is very much dependent on alternative economic benefits derived by local people living around these areas. This study was set out to assess the contributions of Mount Cameroon National Park (MCNP) activities to livelihood of the local people. To achieve this, a household survey was conducted using simple random sampling technic where each household was given equal...
Highlighting the diversity of the rhizosphere mycobiome of five native West African trees
March 2023
Soil microbial communities play a vital role in ecosystem functioning by enhancing mineral nutrition and protecting forest trees against pathogens through mycorrhizal symbiosis. However, knowledge of the diversity and assemblage of belowground fungal communities associated with native host trees in tropical Africa is incomplete. Using high-throughput sequencing, this study examined soil fungal communities in the...
A framework for considering coral ecosystem services for biodiversity offsets
February 2023
Biodiversity offset practices often focus solely on securing ecological validity, despite biodiversity providing various human benefits such as ecosystem services (ES); the use of which is often lost by both the development project and the offset itself. In this paper, a framework is suggested to rationally examine the compensatory measures for ES use losses and tested with actual offset cases in developing countries,...
Responses of soil microbial biomass carbon to tillage and fertilizer types in maize cultivation in Buea, Cameroon
February 2023
Although soil microbial biomass (MBC) comprises less than 5% of soil organic matter, it responds rapidly to changes in soil management practices and, therefore, is generally used as an early indicators of changes in soil carbon. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of tillage practices (conventional tillage and no-tillage) and fertilizer types (synthetic, organic, and no fertilizer) on soil MBC. The...
Human-wildlife conflict in the Campo-Ma’an Technical Operational Unit, Southern Cameroon
December 2022
Human-Wildlife Conflict (HWC) is increasing in the Campo-Ma’an Conservation Area located in the southern region of Cameroon, thus threatening human livelihoods and wildlife; yet the sources and consequences of HWC in this region remain poorly understood. 127 households from three subdivisions were interviewed to investigate the extent of wildlife crop damage and identify humans’ impact on wildlife. Most...
Phenotypic characterization of sorghum accessions on farmers’ fields in northern and eastern Uganda
December 2022
Sorghum is one of the most important cereal crops grown in arid/semi-arid regions of the world. Understanding and utilising the genetic variation in sorghum accessions is essential for improving the crop to adapt to abiotic and biotic constraints. Several authors have reported the loss of sorghum diversity, but there is limited available information on on-farm sorghum diversity in the major sorghum growing areas in...
The physicochemical properties of surface water resources around fuel filling stations and auto-mobile repair workshops in Bamenda-City, North West Region of Cameroon
October 2022
Surface and ground water resources in urban areas are at risk of contamination from many human activities such as oil spills due to improper location of fuel filling stations and auto mobile repair workshops in fast developing cities in third world countries like Cameroon. The study was aimed at determining the physicochemical properties of surface water resources around fuel filling stations and auto-mobile repair...
Status of the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) in Ethiopia: A review
October 2022
Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), one of the wide-ranging scarce carnivores, was widespread some decades back in Ethiopia's wild lands. However, its natural habitats are currently fragmented and shrinking due to anthropogenic factors. Regardless of this general overview, there appears to be a lack of up-to-date information which reveals the past and existing status of cheetahs in Ethiopia since they are relatively...
Photophysiology and respiration of the temperate fern Onoclea sensibilis in spring and during summer stress in a changing climate
September 2022
Onoclea sensibilis L. is a temperate fern species of horticultural importance, and widely distributed in the natural environment of North America, Eastern Europe, and parts of Asia. With increasing climate change, including excessive heat and unpredictable, sometimes severe precipitation events, ferns such as O. sensibilis may come under increasing loss of habitat and possibly survival threat. This is a study of the...
The effect of human-mediated mortalities of African leopard (Panthera pardus pardus) in Ethiopia
September 2022
Even though the challenges to the conservation of African leopard (Panthera pardus pardus) in Ethiopia are wide ranging, little is known about the trend of their potential threats. Similarly, the impacts of direct human-induced mortalities of leopards are poorly understood. Available literature sources that include published and unpublished reports and manuscripts on African leopard were reviewed in order to investigate...
Sampling techniques for the optimal measurements of macromycetes diversity in the Soudano-Guinean ecozone (West Africa)
July 2022
Fungi range among the most important organisms in the world thanks to their ecological roles in the ecosystems and their socio-economic importance for human beings. Still, the global fungal species richness is full of uncertainties as evidenced by various estimates. Estimating fungal species richness and diversity is raising many questions related to the sampling effort (in space and time). This study aims to determine...
Distribution, diversity and abundance of small mammals in different habitat types in the Usangu area, Southern Tanzania
July 2022
Habitat type and their vegetation composition play important role in determining the abundance and diversity of animals including small mammals, hence any change in habitat type will influence their abundance and spatial distribution. This study aimed at investigating the influence of habitat types (that is, Wetland grassland, Miombo and Vachellia woodlands) on small mammal abundance, diversity, and richness in the...
Status of bamboo species (Poaceae) (Kunth) in Menoua, Agroecological Zone 3 of Cameroon
July 2022
Studies on bamboo resources are limited in Congo Basin. This study assessed species diversity, distribution, characterisation and socio-economic importance of bamboo to livelihood in Menuoa, Cameroon. Ninety questionnaires, one focus group discussion per village, observation and interviews were administered in 9 villages. Yushania alpina (K. Schum.) W.C.Lin, Phyllostachys aurea Carrière ex Rivière & C....
Combining local ecological knowledge and field investigations to assess diet composition and feeding habit of forest elephants in Campo-Ma’an National Park, Southern Cameroon
July 2022
Forest elephants are nocturnal and elusive animals, making it difficult to perform direct observations on them. Data on elephants’ diet and feeding habit are lacking despite most forest elephants’ habitats being lost to anthropogenic activities; yet such knowledge may be important for their conservation, particularly in a human dominated landscape. Local ecological knowledge and field investigations...
Review of the status of African lion (Panthera leo) in Ethiopia
June 2022
African lion (Panthera leo), is an important species in the Ethiopian ecosystems. However, significant lion populations and their suitable habitats in many of their former ranges in Ethiopia have declined over time due to socioeconomic uncertainty and the resulting ecological imbalances. Despite this general trend, it is equally noted that there is a lack of verifiable data which depicts the past and current status of...
Diversity of lichens at Mount Cameroon, South West Region, Cameroon
April 2022
Concern about maintaining the biodiversity of lichen communities’ species has been an issue with lichenologists for many years. Many of the understudied regions face increasing threats from urban development, pollution, and potentially climate change, among other factors. The objective of this study was to examine the diversity of lichens on Mt. Cameroon. To achieve this objective, eight collection sites were...
Challenges for world natural heritage protection through coordinating a variety of values
January 2022
Designation of protected areas is an extremely effective means of "protecting" the natural environment and natural resources, and registration as a world natural heritage site is an extremely effective conservation policy for protecting its outstanding universal value. This paper introduces three cases such as Ha Long Bay, in Vietnam, Galapagos Islands and Shirakami-Sanchi in Japan which are the sites of world...
Patterns of mammalian roadkill in the Serengeti ecosystem, northern Tanzania
January 2022
Roads that traverse through protected areas if not well managed can have adverse impact on wildlife such as road-kills which is of global conservation concern. Though mammalian road-kills have been reported in different protected areas worldwide, very little information on the problem is available in the Serengeti ecosystem. This study employed both cross sectional observation and opportunistic encounter methods to...
Use and socio-economic values of Ricinodendron heudelotii (Bail.) Pierre, a wild oil species in Benin
January 2022
Ricinodendron heudelotii is a wild oil tree species native to sub-Saharan Africa. It is also found in Benin. Its oil is rich in the essential fatty acids (Omega 3, 6), fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) and trace elements, essential for human health. Currently, few people know about this oil, likely explaining its almost total absence in rural markets in Benin. The species is also neglected, as little scientific data...
Ethnoecological knowledge allied to the management of wild medicinal plants in Ada’a District, East Shewa Zone of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia
January 2022
This study assessed and documented ethnoecological knowledge of the indigenous people of Ada’a District that has important contribution in the conservation of wild medicinal plants. Both purposive and random sampling methods were used to collect appropriate data. Quantitative and qualitative ethnobotanical methods were used to analyze the ethnoecological data. A significance test on the indigenous knowledge...
Rosewood (Pterocarpus erinaceus) as a de facto forest common for local communities in Ghana
January 2022
This paper discusses how rosewood as a common-pool resource is managed and utilized at the local community level in the wake of aggravated exploitation of the resource for export to feed external markets. Non-probability sampling technique coupled with focus group discussion was used to collect primary data from two administrative districts in the transitional zone between the savannah and high forest in Ghana. In all,...
Feeding pattern of forest elephants in the Nki National Park and its environs, East Region, Cameroon
January 2022
Forest elephants play a vital role as keystone species in forest ecosystems, but little information is known on their feeding pattern which is a key concern for its conservation. This study was carried out in Nki National Park and the specific objective was to identify cultivated and non-cultivated plants eaten by elephants. Eleven 2 km line transects, and reconnaissance walk of approximately 40.16 km were used to...
Biodiversity loss and conservation challenges in Chimit Kolla, Gozamen District, East Gojam Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia
October 2021
A field study in Chimit Kolla, Gozamen District, Ethiopia was conducted in November, 2020. The study aimed to evaluate the biodiversity loss and major conservation challenges in the area. Direct sighting of the animals in the field and indirect evidences like scats, prey leftover and evidence from native key informants revealed higher wildlife potential of the area. However, intensive agricultural investment,...
Diversity, structure and health of a cocoa based agroforest system in the Humid dense forest, East Cameroon
October 2021
Cocoa is a major cash crop in Cameroon, where its production and export contributes significantly to the national economy and in poverty alleviation. Cocoa-based agroforestry systems (cAFS) have been recognised as a fair strategy for natural resource management, combining both the agricultural and conservation objectives. This study aims to (1) assess the diversity, (2) analyses the floristic and structural...
Floristic composition, diversity and community structure in a secondary rainforest in Ibadan, Nigeria
October 2021
Secondary forests may act as buffer area and serve as reservoir for biotic components that are lost from primary forest due to anthropogenic disturbances. This study investigated the floristic composition, diversity and community structure of Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN), Idi-Ayunre, Ibadan, Nigeria. Twenty-five main plots (each 50 m × 50 m) were randomly mapped out to enumerate tree species, five 10...
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